Well, that’s not good enough… I’m on a training course for 3 of these coming 4 work days and, dammit, I want a good reason to take an extra long lunch…so come ON already and send in your Victory1 or Heroic Flame Out Last Stand Before Horrific Death2 set up already…!!!
1-Heroic Victory a direct correlation to laughing at my jokes and transferring me artifacts. Dependancy: Recruit Me Parameter: Shiney stuff
2-Nature of death dependent on relative allegiance and proximity to my nation. If this tempts you, I’ve already prepared my reply…
Good news sirs, two more people have signed up for this game… so the last two should join up
Hey then, how many now…?
If I hadn’t added credit to my account, the game would go out today (good old Murphy’s Law). Now that I’ve taken the appropriate precautions, it will be another 2 weeks before the last spots are filled.
When my friend and I signed up, the front sheet said 4 needed. Perhaps someone dropped?
Bump. Let’s get this thing going…