I think we’re doing standard FA 1000 GB rules (download the rules from ME Games’ site).
Those call for max 1 nation w/ +20K/A SNA for each side. Double scout is not prohibited.
The strategic victory was not allowed in FA GB 48 and in fact if you achieved it you automatically lost.
What we need are more players for the game so that we know if we’re doing 8v8 (8 total players) or 10+K v 10+K (12 total players)
I think all of us would prefer the 12 player version as:
a. economy isn’t artificially underused
b. fog of war aspect is increased (more board you don’t know about & it matters)
c. more unused regions
I have been away from MEPBM for a couple of years. I would love to jump back into playing again. This game sounds like the best fit for me. I would love to join.
Just let me know if I can get in, and I will deposit some cash into my account (if it hasnt been closed out due to lack of activity)
The cool thing about Gunboat is the lack of 100+ emails every turn. Also, you can try new things out, even if it leads to some inefficiency. The best part is that only you know about your mistakes, and only your enemy knows about your successes.
However, sometimes you’ll develop a plan and then ask yourself “what the $@!$ is everyone else doing?” Since no one really knows what to expect with a particular fourth age game, you can’t necessarily expect to have overt help from anyone else.
I’ve sent you details of the game. Ideally when posting here it’s best to get directly in touch with us. If you don’t get the 2 emails from me then best email me directly.
good question Greg. I think Clint was working on figuring out exactly who the players are as there was some confusion between Clint and Alain that they’re working out.