1650 game setting up

One innocent comment and the guy goes overboard…

You’re not inept brother, you’re _________.

There now you just fill that in any way you want to feel better about yourself…

Jz wm and others gm 72

lol…let it go already…geez

This game must be almost-nearly-just-1-more-to-go filled???

Clint… how close are we…

I can’t even remember what I said I wanted to play anymore!!! I guess it will be a surprise…


We there yet? We there yet?


Yes, we’re just setting up the game and it should go out shortly.


Yipeeee :smiley:

Let the :bash: :fork: :stab: :hug: begin

nice going jz,

first you cut me to the quick, now you patronize me.

I might just have to let it go; right after I tell mom on you !


all in fun, buzz off already. no one takes you seriously anyways