23 Nation All Neutral 1650 Game

Hey Brad, you have to expect people to want to discuss your idea, even if you set up a poll at the top of it. Discussing stuff when you see an interesting idea is a pretty deep-seated part of most pbmers’, I suspect.

For what it is worth, I would go along with QA & Nmen as the excluded nations quite happily, even though way back in this thread I suggested Dwa / Nol. I think Woodies would be fine to play??

Cheers, Mike

Note - I’ve emailed you all the questionnaire that I need you to answer and confirm that you want to play (or not if you don’t want to). The quicker you get them sorted the quicker the game starts.


Did not get any questionnaire :frowning:

Re-sent Bernd


For a choice of nations that should be FP and DS… they should be nations that you wouldn’t even want on your veto list…

QAv won’t (maybe/probably) last more than 1/2 turns… who’d want this nation
FiK or IcK are sort of a bit squished with no allies… everyone’s in the same diplo boat, so who knows who you will ally with… yuck for initial fun, but might come good IF you can get through the initial carnage
Woo is surrounded with crap armies and poor defensive capabilities… who’d pick this in a free for all???

Guys, remember that you don’t have to ally with your natural 1650 allies… so some nations that feel secure in a normal game can be quite exposed in this game.

Off to look at the questionnaire…

You’d like Nol… so why deprive someone of this nation… it could be you
You’d like Dwa… so why deprive someone of this nation… it could be you

Okay I’ve got 18 players signed up for this and 8 more potential (which have been contacted).

Questionnaire results that are clear: Istari for winning, random deterimination of nation but choose 5 that are not played, 20 points. The others are still in the balance and so I don’t want to comment on them at present.

Don’t forget to list who you are joining with and the 5 nations that you don’t want to play.

If you’ve not been contacted then I need you to get in touch as I’ve sent out several emails now. I doubt that we can get 2 games of this running at present but we’ll see.


I posted “no thanks” on this poll, but you are sorely tempting me…

Drukarzun - sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind and say “WTF”… join us. it’ll be interesting and novel

Send emails to the normal email asap if you want to get in. There’s 2 spots left and I expect them to get filled VERY quickly. Is everyone okay with a No One Ring Victory?


Yes Clint, that’s another great rule… no 1 ring victory… that would really suck in this game.

ok, ok, “WTF”.

I’m presuming that “Automagic” will work in this Scenario ?

Yep - should work.


Game now filled. Should come out tomorrow.


w00t. All of you are so dead. The Woodmen march to war! Actually im really curious to see how Mordor plays out, I hope I’m in the blood bowl as it were.


is there any way to change the settings in Palantir… I want to change everyone’s alliegance to neutral, but can’t seem to find a way to do it…



Has anyone in game worked out how to use Palantir for an all neutral game yet?

Yes!!! Start it as a 1000 game, thus Fog Of War, all nations start out as neutral. It does mean though that you have to go through the process of adding on all the starting pc’s yourself :frowning:

Hey… great… thanks… I’ll start updating tonight!!!

Note we’ve filled this game and have no plans for another until this one has been tested a little. If you’re looking for something slightly different check out the Gunboat scenario - there’s drop outs available for you to test the waters with and see if you like it.
