You got your info Mr. Anxious. Don’t listen to the boozer, his hands are obviously shaky, Galadriel is not a blond and her arms are definitely the same length.
My hair is lighter and I’m quite, how shall we say, healthier…in the front…but otherwise, cute, yes, very cute…
LOL on the picture of Ice King and North Gondor – had me laughing for awhile.
Good luck on everyone’s next turn!
It appears that the Silvan are hurting…
It’s looking grim, Beorn. Do you have a plot picked out?
Schlager - I’ve enjoyed the fun. You DS have run a clinic. All the best.
Over in 7. That was unexpected. It appeared to us that the FP were just starting to put up a fight and I was worried about the DS getting lazy and losing our grip.
Care to share any FP insight with us? We’d be interested to know how things went from the other point of view.
Good gaming,
Dragon Lord
I was running 4 nations from turn 1 on. Players left, never reported, etc. 1 new Northmen player came and went. Replacements were eventually filled. The new players were the only ones engaged in the game. You guys were playing Grudge level, the FP were playing Gunboat.
At some point prior to this turn running, a number of us left. I believe there were 3 players at that time still thinking they were playing and one of them, reading a mail announcing another player was leaving, said “I guess things aren’t going so well over there…??”. Sums it up pretty nicely.
I sent the undeclared neuts a message a couple turns ago and stated that they should get together and decide if they wanted to do anything to keep the game going, and that any kind of even split wouldn’t work for anyone - either go FP and make a game of it or go DS and end it, frankly.
Not a single neut replied. Weeks later, just days ago, in fact, a Neut asked me if I had any interesting plans for them to consider to join our allegiance. Dude, you’ve been locked in the same dark room as the FP who didn’t know 7 allies had left the game…
Freakish nation assignment, this game, just freakish…
xNG, sometime SG, Northmen and Dwarf also
We started with 2 players DOA, 4 first-timers, 1 limited experience, and 3 veterans.
Thankfully, the active 8 were in good communication and the new players were eager to receive advice.
It took a couple of turns of shadow-orders but the two DOA’s were eventually handed over to veterans. (And those nations were in strong shape by the time of hand over. LR and DogL)
Then one of the first-timers had to quit around turn 5 and was picked up by another limited-experience player.
In a nutshell - 3 nation transfers for us.
But coordination was brow-beat into the DS team from the start and it was mentioned (many times) that it felt more like a Grudge team. [Which might not have been a good thing for a couple new players wanting to get the feel of an Open game. Perhaps?]
I was getting a little frustrated with the Sinda continually hiring a new army each turn at 2413. I kept sending just enough strength to take the pop center only.
The DS were hoping, at best, to negate the initial NG/SG attack and keep a stalemate in the bridge area while Mirkwood remained the DS focus. And even the veterans were a little shocked at big a difference the mages/artys made at OS/MM. For example, the initial DarkL 400 man army has been in 5 battles and barley lost any troops. (and the IK/FK armies were doing almost as good.)
We had Tinky guarded the turn the FP pinched it. Darn-it!
We had a terrible setup with Locate spells and were suprised to recover the RoW.
We basically had a cuse/sickness/weakness team since about turn 2 but we made plenty of mistakes with organizing it. Thankfully, this was the only department we botched. (The plan was to actually curse Galadriel the same turn we took CG…but again, we failed to get a good recon and get the mages in the right hexes.)
Yes, the power of stacked extras in the armies was impressive.
Play well and you decimate the opposition, ending the game. Next time, play like crap, is the lesson???