While my lord Argeleb II apreciates the attention of the DS Agents he can’t help but wonder why they are targetting him now that we are poised to take 1804. Surely these pathetic assasination attempts at Bree and thefts should have been occurring 8-10 turns ago if you thought you would help your ally the WK?
I regret that I allowed you to gain several K of gold from me on previous turns, several 550 orders failed leaving far too much in the coffers for you to rifle through. Last turn is about all you can expect from me from here on in. Erennis and his pack of croneys can expect an even warmer reception at Fornost Erain than Kadida and that pathetic Ufgamog recieved at Bree. You think the Bree crowd was tough! Wait till you see these guys!:stab: (I’ve got my eyes on you guys!) My Lord Argeleb is sharpening his sword and polishing his armour. Who to call out? Hope you guys are in company, or you better remember to 215!
LOL all that to pop two characters in the back lines. You guys crack me up. Not one assassin at 1804!!! Do you guys have any sort of plan? To put it bluntly you are getting spanked, :bash: ,4-1 in your favor and all you can do is knock off back up characters in the capital of a backlines nation… dear God why aren’t you doing this in Eoth or NGon or Rhun? :eek:
It beggars belief. I hope you did something spectacular somewhere. (mind you I am shooting my mouth off before I have seen my teamates turns! )
Is Ji going to handle me at my capitol with his cronnies! Welcome to my Trap! Now that Nazgul are showing up on my Pc’s just shows how desperate and bleak the DS team has become!:bash:
I am having so much fun I can barely sit in my chiar trying to hold back my laughter…
Who would have thought NM attacking easterling player taking out his Town in Rhun would turn out like this 15 turns later…
Rhuadar jumps to the aid of DS for my dispicable behavior attacking a nuetral… To be immediately be removed from the game…
Duns seeking a challenge knowing he would be only nuetral to side with the FP just for the chance of dispelling the myth no team could defeat a team that gets Harad, Corsiars, Rhaudar and easterlings all on the DS…
Somehow managing to get the DS so enraged but my arrogance that now the send the 2 best Killers to NM leaving Mordor , Moronan already burned and recamped by the FP! , to my capitol even after most of central mordor is in ashes…
Then I get statement that i have been handled… why Becuase Din appeared at 4420 to botch an assasination attempt on a commander not even there… Now a Dragonlord army will be defeated @ 4420… 4325 is mine right through both BS and easterling armies…
So far this turn alone I have 4 DS trying to Handle me The NM… All that’s left of the DS nuetrals is Corsairs and a Limping Easterling player that cannot even defend his backup MT now a village! meanwhile I build faster than the DS team can slow me down…
So dream on DS team you have already lost this game… JI in 4013 only means you trying to eliminate me before you go… I have news for you… I don’t give squat about PRS ratings on team wins for the teams I play with! Some on your team already know this… But good luck in trying to eliminate me It’s gonna take more than your team can afford to elimnate me and still have any delusions of winning this.:bash:
Hey Terry the WK hears your pain. Four on one, and your curse squad, all just for little old me…
But the really fun bit about your post was the defensiveness of it… the first time I have seen you admit your position is going down… Or are you just playing mind games on us again? Best not to listen too closely, me thinks…
We’ll get back to you on that one, Hermie. Right now we are too busy laughing at the 4000 Sinda troops that couldnt take a camp, and crying crocodile tears for Elrohir (and quite a few of his buddies…)
you know me much better than that… May i simply say… did you find many targets there!
All kidding aside … it’s a pretty big compliment do have Din and Ji visting my position on successive turns…
As far as turning the tide of what coming down… It’s just a tad to little to late… But the truth I clearly stated last turn in order to eliminate me as NM means losing the game for DS…
Your must be like me wanting to get all that attention or else you really didn’t want the WK to begin with…
As for the easties have you figuired out yet I played you on the boards just to setup your teams demise… Sending 8 agents on my capitol having 2 orders completely fail… Sabotaging my fort to tower did not hurt me it lowered my expenses! Lmao… Please keep your agents at my capitol! please LOL… of shoot you ran!
The more pressure I’m under the more fun I am having!:eek:
We just wanted a safe spot to do some artefact handoffs. 4013 was perfect, thx
There is a turn in most games where momentum noticably shifts… sometimes it is subtle, sometime not so. We will look back on T20 in G51 as the turn that the FP period of pressure play proved inadequate… FP failure to knock out the army at 2305, FP fail to take Morannon, FP fail to get SG army off Osgiliath, FP give up the pressure at both gates, FP lose mulitple starting characters including Elrohir… I am not claiming that the DS win will be swift or easy from here in, but it is coming. And T20 was the turning point…
But dont let that stop you sounding your trumpet charge a few more times. Its fun
Lmao handing off artifacts! I countend no less than 8 skill orders at 4013… Not all was even succesfull… Comon Mike dot pull my leg they hurt these days
You guys didn’t get as many targets as you hoped for! Don’t mind my fun at being just a little more elusive than expected…