51 One Week

Why do you run your mouth??? Are you trying to get us to drop?? You must be broke or bored. I don’t care how many troops, agents or otherwise you have. After Terry’s BS move on the forum; I don’t believe anything that I cant read in my turn.
I am having fun, you guys are good.



I am running my mouth because this game is becoming a bug hunt. You do not have the initiative in any theatre. You (The DS) are being hunted into extinction one by one. I would like to tidy this game up so that I may start another one. To play on in this one is no fun as it’s end is inevitiable, all you can do is drag out the time this outcome will be achieved.

Regards Herman

He has fun. Let him play. It isnt ower before its ower. Thats when all the DS are eliminated or not having fun anymore

This game has become a Bug Hunt… I’m the Bug! Problem Is I am unwilling to write orders to give the DS a chance to get me… I stated quite clearly Long ago try and knock me out and the DS will lose… You have lost! The DS now Have no chance of winning…

You guys talk about forum posts… But In game I foil your efforts at every turn. What’s that easterling army going to attack… 3622 in Mordor that the threw in our Face your going to take back… Any closer this turn than the Last… How about them killer agents with stealth artifacts do you guys any good! How about the guys you have there this turn… I wish you Luck! becuase when I get my results I will still be in the game… And you guys so hell bent on eliminating will make mistake after mistake while NM calmly write orders to foil all your plans and another DS nation bites the Dust!


One thing everyone knows who has played with me knows I make some real bonehead mistakes on order executions… One thing these mistakes after found out having me laughing at my seriuos competitive nature…

Never let any player take you out of your game or lose the ability to laugh and enjoy the game… I still am enjoying this game also… So have fun and enjoy the game.


First off good move to get my com @ 3707… It was evenly matched but Luck does play a factor and you wrote the right order…

I now wish to thank you for solving my problems… By taking 0611 you reduced my defict… Now allow me to name characters in Mordor! yes my capitol is 3622 … You also saved me 25k and an order to move it there!

Good luck on your next turn!


Well guys, another turn and another good result for us. Your position gets more untenable each turn. Keep it up and what is currently a loss will become an embarrassing loss. You guys must be Masochists! :stuck_out_tongue: Still it is your money, and I’m happy to improve my position in the rankings. :smiley:

Regards Herman

I will repeat an earlier question.

Just how many players are left on the DS team? I think we are entitled to know who we are playing against at the moment.

Regards Herman

My first game and I tried! correction, i learned!

We are dropping.

Well played and aside from the petty BS i had fun.

Be well,


Dropping? :rolleyes: Shouldn’t that be conceeding defeat? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you guys for finally seeing the light. :wink: and for a hard fought game. Longest game I have played to date, hence me wanting it to finish!!! :smiley:

Fun game, if not a little awkward at the beginning. For a first game Earl you did very well. You will definately have learned a few tricks and tactics in this game. Get another game or two like this one under your belt and you will be positively dangerous!! :slight_smile:

Congrats to a great team effort by the Freeps. I don’t think I have ever seen a non grudge group perform so well together. 14-11 and we still got them in the end.

Looking forwards to Hearing from Clint and the gang regarding the wash up on this one. I have a few votes to cast for sure.

Regards Herman

i would like to confirm what Herman said so well… This was positively the most hard fought and well played I’ve seen…

Earl your progression in this game was exceptional… yes a few more games and what happened in this under same circumstances would have had a much better outcome for yourself and this team…

The team play by The FP and player skill has been exceptional by everyone… I believe also my personal skill have degenerated… I know my days of playing at level I like are numbered and reduced to playing one game at a time.

I still enjoy competive games… when I begin to feel I become a liability to my team I shall then retire… Hopefully I can last in another one week format… I would like to play alongside any of the one week 1650 players… We kinda have a disfunctional family… Myself definitely being the Blacksheep LOL.

Anway I will sign up for the next one week 1650 for those desiring another shot at Knocking me off my pedstal…:slight_smile:

If the DS indeed have decided to call it a game, then that is great news. Congratulations to my teammates for keeping focus. Thanks to the DS for a fun game. I’ll see you in the future, no doubt.

Jason, Dunlendings and Noldor (T20ish-Game End)

We’ve received the official word and I would like to congratulate our opponents for a very competitive game! I had a great time in this game. I thought our team communicated well on a consistent basis and we limited our mistakes. I think everyone on our team had some degree of success at times and that sort of helped keep morale high. When the DS made a push we just helped each other as best we could. And most importantly, we were able to work thru issues and stay the course.

To my opponents, I particulary liked the play of the WK and Easterlings. We may have won the game but I did appreciate the fight in the DS team. Look forward to seeing everyone in future games.

Dan Cosby

Very fun to play with you. We were a good team. Honor to all my teammates (+ myself ofcourse). This was not an easy win. The DS gave us a good fight.I especially appreciated the counterplay by Dog Lord, Easterlings, BS, CL and LR.For me the funniest part was invading the backdoor early in the game. Burning CL towns and BS MT !:smiley: Of course I had to pay for that… The rest of the game I was recovering and defending. When eoplex came under attack from armies, emmies and agents then I actually suceeded to resist (partly because the team supported me, but I want some honor for this too) and NOW I am in position to strike back! Allmost sad the game ends now :wink:


Fun game, went the long way and we pulled it out on top. Grats to all my teammates, condolences to the DS. Enjoyed the early game in Rhun and Rhudar/Angmar as well as sending in the Dagger Dwarves in the mid and end game.

Mike for the Khazad

Going again Mike…?


You know it, back up for the one week, DS now I think :slight_smile:

I am going neutral…maybe the easterlings again??? or DS


Well guys I’ll be in next one week game but not as a Nuetral.:slight_smile:

If you’re interested in a new one week game we’ve got 10 spaces left in the currently filling game. Don’t forget that if you discuss your set-ups choices with others then you’re joining with them as a player if you both (all) join that game and I need to be made aware of such.

Clint (GM)