51 One Week

Quick note about nations. If you put any down then I’ll choose something that is the least popular generally (someone has to play it afterall).

If you don’t want to play a nation (or nations) then list that as a don’t want to play, and if there are nations you particularly like to play put that down and I’ll try to accomodate your request within the all players need to send me 3 nations rules.

You can send me a list of as many nations to play as you want to of course - sometimes that does help.

Sometimes team-mates will swap nations around so you might want to try and contacting others in the game on your side… Have fun…

Clint (GM)


Well I got one of those unpopular nations and plan to write another article about it… So I’m very happy!


Corsairs, open to Parley.


I tried for neutral, too. sigh I think we all did. :smiley:

Darrell - Ice King…again


Mighty Southern Gondor here. Hehehe … surprised? yes … me as Free People.
Tine … not to far away from me grin


The Dwarves here, preparing to rain feiry heinous death upon all things Sauron.

Drop me a line at:


Mike for the Khazad

I’ll drop you a line…around your neck! Muhahaha! :stab:

Had to add new smilies so I could show you how I get all stabby. Because that’s just how I roll.

Spectre checking in! I’m ready to spill some DS blood!!

Eothraim here. I wish you all a good game. I am looking forward to comunicate with my allies and neutrals. As for you others … well… we will meet…

Sverre aka Eo

The knights of Eo. Coming soon to a hex near you!

Eagerly awaiting my pointy eared brethren to chime in.

I am the Witchking… hoorah… I’ll see you all on Weathertop. With a dragon :slight_smile:

Arfanhil, are you out there?

The Noldo send greetings across the mountains, plains and seas.

Poetic justice for me… I trashed NM in last one week Game Now I am the Northmen…

Brad I rather you be in LR than Easties! HeHe … At least I know your trying to kill me…

Tine rather you be marching Wargs on my Capitol than sneeking in the back door , Blowing kisses then stabbing my heart out!

Misonor@yahoo.com for all you guys and gal. Hello to all you Nuetrals…

Neutral Man Tribes. I think it’s pretty obvious from all of the above that the Free Peoples merit death. I’m a merciful undead - if you all move quickly they won’t suffer so much.


You mean the Western Sea? The one you’re about to cross for eternity, leaving Middle Earth to the rest of us? The best seats are still available, if you wait your, er, accomodations might not be so comfortable…


You’re my secret weapon Terry - I’ll kill you last…


Watch, the FP will be sending all their timber to 3612 for step ladders…


Damn damn damn…and Harad was one of my original choices…


Step Ladders not required, we prefer to cut down our orcs and trolls at the knees. Makes for a slower, more painful death than beheading…

A dwarf is never happy until he is Knee-deep in the entrails of his enemy.

Mike for the Khazad

Chop down my horses and they’ll fall on you. Squished Stump…nope, no recipe for that, gonna have to google dwarf vittles now.
