Usually not, its a straight army pin and move the agents in… No probs
Have you tried pinning one of my armies??? hahahahaha, besides you’d get fed up or not have enough in the way of agents…
and I normally have 2 big armies going differing ways anyway. 2 turns is enough for someone to lose their cap.
We’ll test it out one day…
Possibly. Many have tried, none have succeeded…
CL is soooo boring!! Witch King is the ultimate and more challenging position. Best starting nation? Dark Lts. Most fun? Dog Lord and Long Rider.
Never like the Long Rider, doen’t mean I wouldn’t play it. Specially since theres a lot of starting cav. Now Dog Lord, yes you’re talking my language there.
I agree CL and BS nice character game but v.boring. I like the FK myself for the army game, also predicatbe and can be boring, but dropping in behind the lines and pouring out armies can add heaps of amusement.
Yes, I like the WK nation… max recruit, max blocking, ability to increase
all 3 MT’s to cities before raising taxes to 80%, good starting cav… If all
fails a great guerilla nation to play…
CL boring? Tut tut
Right on, brother. Let the others have their mages and agents - give me “hire for free” and I’ll be a very happy Dark Servant.
I have to say that GB has taught me a great deal about unappreciated nations. On is the IK. Two of my GB games are ongoing, but it would be more than a little interesting to know what my opponents thought of my unconventional tactics…grin
Give me the “Frosty” any time…After the first 10 turns, he becomes a powerhouse capable of holding both passes into mordor without any ally help…
I must admit I enjoy Drl for the challenge of survival… Merely finishing a game in this position is more fun than winning a game with Harad… But for my style of Play Dog or Drk Lt’s would be awesome for me… Funny thing is I never played either of these positions… The position I would least likely play CL …
The Witch-King is my favorite, the Cloud Lord by far my least favorite. I’ve always wanted to try the Ice King but never ended up with it. I’d love to try the Dragon Lord against competant active players too, the only time I played it the Sinda were basically inactive from turn one and the Dwarf player was a newbie who lost about three big armies before he mastered the concept of ‘refuse personal challenge.’ Thus I didn’t really get the true opposition the position usually gets and so many of them dropped or were inactive the game was over by turn ten.
I think people should try the Fire-King. I know before I played it I thought it the worst position on the DS, but I really enjoyed playing it. It’s loads of fun and seldom boring. The characters are pretty marginal, but the nation advantages are great. You’re in the midst of the action every turn, and if you’re the devious sort, no hex on the board is safe from you circa turn ten if you use your imagination. You can also go up and help Er-Murazor and Khamul with their staggering orders deficit against the Freeps.
Yes I agree, now what would the EO or Dog Lord be like with Free Hire. Might just now look at tweaiking 1650 into a grudge adapted format to give everyone what they want using the FA SNA list, tailoring each to their strengths and getting rid of the SNAs that no-one really uses or needs.
EO with hire-for-free? Sign me up. Even better, Easterlings with free hire or conjure mounts. Barbarian power!
EO with hire-for-free? Sign me up. Even better, Easterlings with free hire or conjure mounts. Barbarian power!
'Think you’ll like KS then…
I’d love to be able to love KS
PS the hangin out is slowly killing me. I’ll be old and senile and won’t remember what i was waiting for. I wonder if they’ll have broadband in my nursing home