
You hang them up by their *****

Oh heck you can’t even do that, they must of dropped off long ago :smiley:

Ian - Duns
Who’s neutral in all this

Well losing Akhorahil sux but there are several mages who can step up…can the same be said of Bain? Maybe but I bet the dwarven player was pissed…

anyway, SG, congrats on the massive raid of my fishing boats. Good Lawd, didn’t even bother to challenge my lowly 10pt commander…lol…

let’s see how the game plays out in the future,


Oh Bain was a tasty morsel, but those toys look very nice on me.

Can you see them?

But the question you should ask is who next, for one a turn is not enough its time to up that rate


Oh how many nuetrals left in the game thats what we want to know?

Harad and Corsairs are having a private war and the rest?


its not really a private little war silly, its a corsair invasion (unannounced) of the harad. but, much like the french, why let the facts get in the way of a good story. anyway, back to the defense of my homeland. maybe you should spend more time practicing agent dagger thrusts then banter, based on last turns results.

sm harad.

Well there is no dark servant participation in your private war, the reasons are not mine to judge, but unless the good side interefere, then we will not break a nuetral war.

Does not matter to me who started it, I assume you are defending, in which case I think it can be daid to be a private war.

War does not make both parties the aggressor, but often leaves only one winner.

Well My blade is sharp enough you know its a slow bit of work, getting those agents up to the mark.

But a Bain or two will do me so far.

Think yourself lucky its a team game for you know I do not forgive thOse who deem to ever insult me and your record against me speaks for itself the last time you did it.


your threat is as silly as your spelling. your the cloud lord, i’m the harad, i’ll hazard a guess and say you’d probably slice me to pieces. go head, its a game. concerning your original question buried in your nonsense prose, the rhudar went evil, the duns and easterlings haven’t declared.
sm harad.

Its only a shame being beat in 6 turns has still not taught you better manners.

I dont rember threatening you at all, for if you go GOOD what threat is it, its a nature of the game.

But your ideas where as always as good as your game play and that been poor at best.

But since you ate the one who renaged on the bet, why should I trust a word you say.

After all 250 pounds just to crush you for 5 turns was expensive, I myself would have paid up, honoured my bet and carried on and left the field of glory.

You chose some darker option and stuck me for the costs, did you ever give the bloodmoney to charity.

Need I say any more, we all keep e mails and some OF us should not agree to that they later deny exists.


post it all. post a link to the game you ran as the easterlings, post a link the game we played, post your final turns. post your emails. let me be clear and concise, your ducking liar! any confusion there. post it little man. i’ll be reading the flagship thread where you play pass the blame. ante up, or fold.
your a coward. so consult a tentmaker on the easiest way to fold


If you can’t be civil then don’t post!!! I had enough of this from G56 between the pair of you.

Dun with the information service!

What can one do, Muller is on my never to be played with list but here we are in the same game.

I like to remind him that he lost the one on one challange, renaged on the agreement, loser pays and all he can do is insult me.

I can of course live with the insults, but can he live with the fact he lost not just the game but his honour.

However knowing our little spat will spoil the game I will lleave you to it SM please fel free to rant and rave as you like, I have a game to go and play.


Whats it like to lose to me so badly?

Gets your goat does it not!

Cry all you like its not going to change.

But you know as a nuetral your safe from me.


…the NM were safe from you too, at least last turn :smiley:

3 things…

  1. i’m a neutral, not a nuetral. maybe spend those pounds to buy a dictionary
  2. i don’t need safety from you. attack me, its a game little boy. i’ll just sign up again.
  3. still waiting for those posts.

sm/ harad

It was hoped that there would be a reconciliation between harad and the lord of clouds…this has not been the case…

It was hoped that at least there could be a coolness but willingness to coexist…this is not what I am reading…

Is there no chance, no hope, no glimmer of a chance for peace…


Peace exists as both Harad and Corsairs wish a private war and will be left to it until such time one wishes to change that position.

The world is not large enough for the two of us to co exist the blood runs to deep and will last many lifetimes.


Hi everybody! Corsair Team speaking:

First of all, I have to clarify that Corsair attack to Harad has come by some conditions of lands that Harad required (creating camps with towers between our lands as his defense) and I did not agree about that… so instead of argue that, I decided to directly attack him. If he was not ready to defend himself, it is only because of his way to command his country and that’s his problem. This is my way of acting.

This is a war only between neutrals (or invasion, as you wish to call it) and none free or dark has putted into way never and I have to thank this because it shows their neutrality. Though the relations between SS and HA have been a little bit “hot” with the last posts I hope that it is still equal.

A note to all with all my respects: HARAD IS MINE!!! I have used a lot of time and resources to devastate it and I would be grateful to make it alone.

If a decree interyields attacking Harad, normally other one has the obligation to go out in his defense … Supposing a great problem for my plans. For it, I will take the following decision: that decree that helps or attacks the Haradrims will be considered to be an offense towards our nation, for what we will proceed to change to the OPPOSITE decree the following shift. It is all the same, I will act according to my principles.

Mr. Ji Indur, I pray that you don’t move your decree to take military actions to HA In spite of the last commentaries. Don’t worry… The Corsair people will do your job. Centre on your real enemies, HA has lost already 6 towns and in the close shift he will lose a major town. More than the half of his initial populations already they are not in his power and one of his fleets together with the initial army has been dispersed thanks to a duel that Haruth Ramman lost. Let me to finish my work.

Sr. Ossim Rallah, I think that you should put the things more difficult to me. Your enemy is neither the dark decree nor the free decree… It is me. And if you do not put remedy early…. Your country will be history before next winter. I promise to you.

Sorry for my English, I hope you understand all.


Angamaite & cya.
(Euges, the crazy Spanish)

:slight_smile: wow,
so much to respond too…

sailors…its best to fight over the body once its dead. i’l beg to differ on my being dead. i’d rather be you then me right now, but things have been known to change. as for your rational/excuse to attack? if me camping and towering 2435 and 2536 provoked you, then you don’t need much to provoke.
anyway, in the python tradition, i’m not dead yet, but thanks for the inspiration.
sm harad…

Just so we are clear I will only interfere in this war if someone just happens to think it fun to attack me and then I will do naughty things to them.

All nations have the right to defend themselves but other than that as nuetrals I am happy to leave you to it.


Oooooooooooyeah !!!

At last a realy war !!!. :smiley:
Im waiting nervous for ur attack…

Tnx to DS for not interyield.

Greetings !!!
Crazy sailor