Game 11

Hiya all,

I’m playing NG again (I’m sure Clint does this to me so I can train my army game :wink: ). I’m looking forward to contact with everybody who wants to talk to me, friend, foe or neutral. Please contact me under bettinajwagner at (just replace the at with @ and get rid of the spaces).

Have a nice game everybody!!!

Cheers, Tine

You’ve played NG more than I’ve played Rhudaur I think…!!!


Not deliberately, I assure you … :slight_smile:

Hi there DS

This turn should be a great turn for the darkies. I plan on assassinating 76 of the startup freep characters, they’ll never see it coming :slight_smile:

Oops am I on the team yahoo group?


Winsten Wun Toof

Ice King signing in. Bit chilly around here. How did this happen - oh yes, forgot to state a nation preference. Silly me.
Sightseers at Durthang always assured of a frosty reception.
Will be happy to discuss strategy, sharpen knives etc. Let’s talk.
Must go de-ice the troops.

The nations of the Free People would very much like to open negotiations with Harad and Dunland. Does anyone have contact info for these players?

  • Noldo

[QUOTE=harbqll;63015]The nations of the Free People would very much like to open negotiations with Harad and Dunland. Does anyone have contact info for these players?

*Yeah they’ve already gone DS. I’d drop them a line and threaten and annoy them as much as possible if I were you :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof

Witch-king joins the party. I am a bit busy to expect to FP in Angmar. Much more important is to take care about my neutral neighbours, Rhudaur & Dunlendings. Let us intensify our bargain before someone else gets nervous :smiley:
Please feel free to send me an emis to:
I will be glad to expect Rhudaurs and Dunlendings delegates soon, to make a special offer. See it as promised, that you both will be exited to hear it.
By the way, you have not heard from the cowards Arthedain + Cardolan??

Your sincere Witch-king :hug:

Hello to all. Rhudaur checking in. Neutral and remaining that way until I see the way each side commits. Very surprised how quite things are around me. I checked the doors on my halls and they are unlocked. Please feel free to come by and consult with us.:slight_smile: Looking forward to hearing from everyone this turn.

Hi there to the Rhu.

Rob here bringing sensible dress sense to the realm of the cloud lord (We’ve done away with Ji’s pumpkin head for a start). Apart from making my fashion war on middle earth, I’m forming up for a welcome party for any neutral wishing to join the fold. If you have any requests or ideas you would like to discuss, feel free to drop me a line and we’ll figure things out.


Winsten Wun Toof

Does any body know who’s playing Haradwait???

No - not me


Winsten Wun Toof

Harad hasn’t responded to my request to trade.

Hey Dunlend want to chat? Drop me a note


After looking at my turn: Will the LR still be playing next turn or will he be taken out by his team? Please let me know, I’ll send flowers :).

Cheers, Tine - NG

Hi Tine - he thought you were going to attack. He feels very silly now :slight_smile: Excellent strategy that turning up and not attacking, just keep it up a leeettle longer… :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof

BTW, despite anything at 3024, the LR’s efforts at NM were phenomenal yes? :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof

Oh yes, that was nice :)). Also may I say that Gaurhir is VERY lucky??

Cheers, Tine

Our great luck seems to be the order of the day. I’ve never seen a faction where so many unlooked for things fall in our laps :smiley: Still I find these things have a habit of working themselves out in the wash. I’m sure winter is one of those great equalisers :frowning:


Winsten Wun Toof

Very boring up here. It seems as though the nations up here are going to stare at one another all game. Looks like I will be on this fence a good long time with my partner in neutrality, Dunlend. We are waiting to be impressed.:wink:

Brrr, It’s a Bit Chilly ain’t it!

I’ll have to see about a bit of burning!!!

Cheers Dragon Lord.

OC - Chrimbo Present: pdf 24th OR 25th???