Game 17

Oh, poor sad pitiful but ever-charming Dark Ones…

“Soap” is a substance which dissolves in water, thus forming a lather, and is used as a cleansing agent.

Based on the awful stench in Mirkwood you must have used something that is excreted or cast out of the animal body by any of the natural emunctories and had your “soldiers” roll in it…


The stench is unbareable with over 10,000 sub humans mulling around the Fire King Capital. I don’t know how our men can stand it too much longer; even the smell of death is better than orc breath.



So you are looking forward to death. Well that is good as that is what awaits the forces of Gondor, just as Odagus and his raw recruits died and Fulla and his boys this was an expensive turn for you Free. Next turn will be worse I believe.

To the Neutral powers the Nine hope your efforts met with success. We will contact you with the news shortly.

All you can talk about is soap and lard?

Guess Fulla wasn’t all that alert. Oops there goes 1800 Bronze/Steel Heavy Infantry and what do we have here? Two bright new hardly used combat artifacts. We wonder does anyone besides Fulla have a use for them?

Reported last words of Odagus, “Hey where are you guys going?”

Reported in Minas Arnor, where did all that gold go.

Heard in Khazad dum, "I thought Mirromere held a gold encounter.

To Waulfa “Go away or we will fart in your general direction.”

Western Anfalas is nice this time of year according to the Quiet Avenger

Finally, sorry boys but Mordor is closed for the season, thanks for coming though. That will be 9800 heads please.

Hopefully more food for thought from the halls of Barad Dur in a week or so.


What?!?! Turns don’t run again until Sept 24th?

Or am I the only one that noticed the error on the “return this turnsheet before” line.

Darrell of the Corsairs

Yes we figured that gave the Free plenty of time to staff up their plans

We saw that as well, just figured it was a typo. Hopefully we won’t have to wait that long as I’m sure the DS yappin’ will cool a bit after next turn.



Glad you’re optomistic. We don’t see it that way. We see a massive loss of Gondor’s finest, Victory at Cargash, the expected but tardy fall of Goblin Gate and some other minor points. Glad you guys are in good spirits so are we, so this game has started well.

Let’s see what next Wednesday brings.


Is the Mouth of Sauron eating crow right now?

Are the mathmatic wizards of the DS team getting flogged? A projected win at the FK capital has turned into an utter defeat for the minions of the evil one.

A HUGE defeat for the DS team. While back up managed to find its way to the FK capital for turn 4, it is still a major set back for the DS team, and a HUGE victory for the FP this turn.

So far in 40% reporting; looks like mixed results with swaps of Goblin Gate and other misc. PCs for others taken by the DS. Smaller battles won and lost by both sides, and a challenge between the Sinda and DrL ending in favor of the DrL. Overall this turn belongs to the Freeps!


Congratulations on a hard fought but costly battle win at Barad Ungol. You fought superior numbers of inferior troops and won a battle but the prize eluded you. You now face assured destruction at the hands of the second wave put into motion with the very first orders of the game.

What other miscellaneous battles did you win? The Witch King defeated Cardolan, and Beneoracer was lucky to escape another Woodmen debacle with his life. Yes you took Goblin Gate, but you lost a Sinda town, and two Eothraim population centers. Your mighty army overcame the militia of a Long Rider camp then skulked away to the east. Belachael lost his army as well in this turn and Ohtar was challenged and killed. With the losses of Barad Ungol and north of Osgiliath we figure as many or more of your mighty Gondorian troops died as did DS. We feel in DS math the loss of Orcish fodder is less costly than the loss of so many Dunedain.

Don’t get too self assured, we tried an experiment at Barad Ungol and learned something we can use in the future to good advantage. This will be a long and hard fought game. It is good that Brian of Rhudaur decided to throw in with you. Without him it would be an entirely different story in the West. Brian if you are reading this we notice your icon has not changed are you sure this is what you want to do? If so come and get it.


Sorry you have to leave the game. Best of luck in your future endevors, perhaps our paths shall cross again.


An unfortunate ending so soon. Best of luck to all involved in future games.