Oh, I see. I didn’t even catch the spelling mistake. Should have edited your quote. Apologies. I was being cryptic and snarky. Woodmen. Cavalry. Get it? Ha. Haha…?
Dream your dreams Darrel,
the funny side doesn’t fit for you.
Have Fun !
Greetings Warlords,
nothing special to report !
Have Fun !
Oh well, I just wish the FIRST reveal PC had worked…lol. It’s not like I can fail to cast the spell. Well, the Sinda can breathe easy…all of his allies have surely swarmed south to help right? <insert diabolical laugh here>
Hmm…so Bondan isn’t going to save me the command order eh? I think we both figured the other would attack and could save an order. lol
Kudos to Arthedain for a quick mobilization of infantry and the Duns on some fast moves north.
If your FIRST Reveal had worked, you would have some dead allies to placate…
Oh of course, we love to attack places we have no chance of taking out. lol.
It’s really helpfull to know about this !
I thought Osgiliath WAS the Capitol of Gondor. What’s going on there a Gondor Commanders Conference? Aren’t these types of gatherings better suited to secure locations. So many targets and a limit of daggers.
Na, only some old friends who would like to go fishing.
Oh, so sorry, I thought you came because you wanted to sleep with the fishes.
I’m not a “big” guy but I have more to hold onto than my omen… who runs the house superbly… after you’ve had a few kids you learn to ‘hold onto it’
G’day DS,
Wondering, who’s got the bulls eye painted on his forehead in Mordor?
You speak of targets?
Hard to miss the Bullseye when sending ICBM’s into Mordor’s largest dart board
One of our women lift a skirt and the DS chase her down the road… and nobody’s left at home to look after the Home brew… party at Mordor, everyone’s invited
Of northmen and northgirls
Well come on in Big Boy and see just how deserted it is.
Wow, considering your (far less than) stellar gains outside of Mordor…you better hope you crack mordor or this will be one of those games where the inevitable is in sight by turn 5-6.
Is cardolan being special serviced?
P.S. Good banter, kudos to you.
Is cardolan being special serviced?
yes, hes getting special service. shes got legs that end at her neck, is both morally and physically pliable while afflicted with a variety of nasty personal fetishes.
doesnt matter when you die, just that your gonna die.
Steve, you in this one? No wonder everything I try dosn’t work.
Cool. I figured that comment would get a rise. To quote Gixxer, thx for the information.
Row, row row your boat…da dee da dee dum…
Cardy is certainly special, but couldn’t get himself, er, “serviced” with a $100 in a cheap…ahem… Ed, start trying your stuff in Tharbad, likely a cakewalk…
i knew the mighty mills was on the your side. never take what ed offers, when your on opposite sides. did i say i was the cardy, or are you making an assumption? ed, take it from here. been quiet all game, time to submerge again.