still you didnt answer what are you going to do in NM capital. before asking more, answer former questions
Well, I can’t reveal all of our intentions. If I did, there would be no suspense on turn day. Sorry!
Who’s coming to your aid? Dwarves from the Iron Hills? Elrond? Galadriel?
Just Eru Iluvatar
BTW, there was no way the LR was going to win at Dilgul with one of his starting armies. He was facing 3 nations alone.
well the tower was enough.
but err the other army oh well was blocked? oh yeah.
LR never got to the tower. The NM, Silvan, and Dwarven armies made sure of that.
Well, the NM capital is in ruins. The question is, did he get a MT from a teammate?
who knows
Ah, very mysterious! Excellent!
Turn 6 in back.
The Dwarves and a mystery army have returned to Rhun to try for a little payback. I wonder who the unknown icon is? RR?
Mirkwood continues to be contested. It seems that every nation in the area is in on it! It is quite a good time!
The Black Gate stays hot, too. Even the Woodmen have marched an army down there! Must admit that we didn’t see that coming.
There has even been a naval skirmish. But, I hear it was just the elves sinking to the bottom!
The Western Freeps are ganging up on the WK. But, he’s doing everything he can to make it a fight. Sure hope he can hang on!
:bash:The Free Peoples will now lose and quit!
They lost the Diplomacy Battle with little Neutral diplomacy so All of the Neutrals declared or are declaring Dark Servants:mad::bash::fork::D:cool:
Free People fools!
Turn 15 is about to run. Will the Freeps be able to take Gundabad? They have put a lot of resources into it. BTW, we found the Dwarves new digs.
Well, well! FP’s discover The One Ring! Can they snatch victory when things looked darkest? The race is on!