No way. I don’t want to impress you, Dug. That would frighten me if you saw me in some kind of good light. Besides, I want McGowan on MY team though he is proving to be a bit stuck in his ways. However, You can have Shimel. Please. Take him.
Originally posted by dshimel PRS rewards the worst players.
No it doesn’t. I’m nowhere near the top, heck, I’m not even on a couple lists. And in the VP categories, only a couple of my Rhudaur’s made it up there. If I’m so bad, why can’t I get any VP’s?
I’m not talking about Fletch, I’m talking about the guy across the river from me who took his marbles home. This gives me my river back, and gives you the whole thing. Win Win!
Originally posted by VEO
[b]I’m not talking about Fletch, I’m talking about the guy across the river from me who took his marbles home. This gives me my river back, and gives you the whole thing. Win Win!
Remax Stewie [/b]
Seems you are better at losing pop centers than taking them. Will be on 2622 in 2-3 turns. Better move some rabble up that way if your commanders are still around.
Originally posted by Celebion Will be on 2622 in 2-3 turns.
Ren the bored
You said you were interested in the Duns. Now, besides an arrogant and illiterate selfish dweeb, you’re a liar too? Geez, if only the rest of the DS were Just Like You…
Gosh, I think it might be best if I dont say anything on this post anymore!!
In regards to the Duns PRS stance, thats fine. I’ve been in games where the neutrals have had a win at all costs attitude and that was before the PRS. I think the difference here is that you are trying to ram it down everyones throat. If you sat back and quietly collected your VP’s and kept both sides thinking you were on the fence you would probably have been left alone and simply considered one of those neutrals with his own agenda. Hell, you could have even have not responded to any overtures from anyone and kept both teams in the dark as to your intentions.
Instead you had to get on your soap box and “prove a point”. You are welcome to your opinion and stance, but trying to get everyone rilled up at you so you can claim the PRS is ruining the game and actually trying to score high are two different things. If you were really interested in scoring the best you could, you would have kept quiet rather than risk a hit from the FP, DS or both, which could potentially cut you out of that all important top 3 placement at the end. If there is anyone out there trying to score high, and I am sure there is, they certainly arent going to go about it the way you are doing so here.
Now, that I have said my peace…to the FP…
I will kill you…well, as soon as my guys learn soemthing more impressive than pulling rabbits out of thier hats!!
And the beat rolls on. Slowly but surely the front line continues to move down the Emyn Muil and into Rohan. Worried yet? Oh and look at those reinforcements near Dol Goldur and the western edge of Mirkwood.
Originally posted by VEO
[b]You said you were interested in the Duns. Now, besides an arrogant and illiterate selfish dweeb, you’re a liar too? Geez, if only the rest of the DS were Just Like You…
Stewie the Blunt [/b]
Ouch that really hurts coming from a top flight player like you.
Think I will aspire to be more like you. All I need to do is lose pop centers, play impotently, whine constantly about no help from allies and make sure there is someone else to blame. You should have been a politician.
Your elf merrymakers finally have come to life, as well as the Rangers ! You must fell honored, having them finally get off the dime on T10. Dug, the other elf, and Nameless, thte other other elf, got some pointy ears in company and tried for Dol Guldur, but it didn’t quite work. Now, up north to help Rangers ?! My, but he does need some hand holding…