gosh dang the freeps reaaaalllyyy stink in this game…maybe you can concede now and save lots of money for us all and start up another game so you can give it a go again…i challenge all that are free in game 239 to take DS and all DS in game 239 to go free and i know for a fact that we will win playing the free…hows that sound???
The nation of Dunland would like to apologise for the recent loss of service. This fault has now been rectified and normal service has been resummed (under new management). The new regime of Dunland would like to hear from other neuts (or have you all declared???) as well as FP and DS.
well…do the freeps wanna give up yet?? If you do i can return Galadriel to you unstained…honest i won’t touch her…course my comrades do want to make sure she isnt hiding any other artifacts and it may take a couple of days to do a complete search.
Can only laugh now… I hope 27 is better - poor showing this go around.
For your reading pleasure…
Rohan Free Press is running the following in the local paper -
EDORAS - The king is dead, Long Live The King! Now accepting applications for bonafied Elvis impersonator needed to rule free nation of women and children. Benifits include great view of the Plains and all the hay you can eat. Horseback skills a must. Able body men need not apply - as you will be drafted to serve in the King’s army. Prefer elderly open minded leader unphased by raiding Orcs, assasination attempts, and ever growing presence of Sauron’s forces in Rohan.
SWF - Esmantle, Rohirrim last seen visiting winter wonderland in Northmen capital Shrel-Kain. She has a fondness for horses and men who ride. Presumed pimping for Adeyn and the rest of the Rhun Easterling posse.
SWM Rohirrim seeking DS agents in the plains. Hobbies include thwarting assassination attempts and alerting local militia. Prefer cumulus holders of agent artifacts and seasoned kidnappers. Females need not call.
SWM Dúnedain ranger seeking DS mages. Doctor, doctor gimmie some lovin… prefer doctor / nurse role playing - weakness, sickness, curses. Males need not call.
lets all save some money and time people…seriously…i aint being a dick…just lets call it quits and start fresh…nothing like getting that turn 0 .pdf for a new game. 27 is full and 28 is filling. lets call 239 done.
Good laughs… nice to see the lighter side of the game… thanks for making me smile. Are the FP all communicating? Can you arrange a concession and final turn 12?
Not likely. It appears a number of FP want to go down swinging. I will stick it out until knocked out or team throws in the towel. My estimate is another three turns until all hope is lost.
I have a feeling this will be another good turn for the FPs. :eek:
Please, convince them otherwise. Assure them all hope IS lost… it will just get worse from here. Are the Woodmen still active? … the Northmen, I wager, are gone… the character loss is tremendous. Aragorn, Galadriel, Balin, Tharudan, Boromir, Faramir, Theoden, Beoraborn, Grimbeorn and a host of others. Mirkwood is all but fallen, we have armies in the Gap of Rohan… what factors will convince the remaining defenders to concede?