QUOTE=VEO And I failed my Disliked against the WK earlier, while I have the Duns at Disliked and have started spamming outlying nations (Easterlings Disliked, this turn was planning on Corsairs and Northmen).
*Well good luck with all of that. It certainly has the element of surprise for all the rest of us
My rules of proper behaviour include building relationships with neutrals such that, in the event they actually join your team (sometimes they don’t, shucks, it just ain’t fair!!), you’ve already done the “Hi, My Name Is” stuff and can get right to work. Frankly, considering the overall volume and tone of communication, why waste a good spell to create an incident to attack me? Why didn’t y’all get together with Witchie Poo and divvy up my lands on turn 1?
*Because we’re busy divvying up his lands (and he wasn’t invited either
But hey, if you’re the team that blows useful orders in the early game finding such evidence (“He’s left handed! Burn the Witch! Burn him!!!”), well, I won’t necessarily mind having you force my allegiance…this might just be real easy…
*Brad, I try to play this game for the fun of it. There’s many people that try to ensure this doesn’t happen. So many interests to balance, trying to let everyone play their game, but also ensuring they don’t get their neighbours killed, managing a team game, balancing personality problems blah blah blah. Fact of the matter is, some people just don’t get on, and to be honest, most of us can do without it. I don’t get the feeling that you are going to have fun with the freep anyway by the sounds. I’ve tried to talk to you at all points, and I don’t think you’ve got any problems with me, nor I with you, but life in freep may not be all it’s cracked up to be for you. If you fight with other freep, it makes us all wish we had saved our $10 and bought beer instead. So I’d invite you at this point to go DS. I hope you find more peace and can enjoy the game with the players there. I only know one or two of them, but fine chaps (ettes) to be sure.
Arfanhil the Embittered[/QUOTE]
*Brad, neutrals can be fun. I’m sure we all consider the potential impact we could have on the game, and how both factions are going to love us vigorously and offer us all kinds of gifts, stroke us, and make us feel all warm and fuzzy about ourselves. However sometimes the reality is that for whatever reason, be it that some people just can’t stand neutrals, or that there are personality issues, or that players are uncommunicative with their own team mates let alone unaligned players, or indeed that they just couldn’t give a bugger - a number of reasons why it might not work out as planned. Aligned nations live with the certainty that in some part of the world - a neutral is going to backstab his team at some point. This also means that the neutral can suffer in equal measure at the hands of the factions. The sum total of all of this is - I wouldn’t be surprised if there are hiccups, and if I wanted a clear run of things, I’d join a faction (and then find that you don’t like half of your team I’m not holding you responsible for anything, nor my team mates for that matter, I’m playing no favourites, just observing that - geez it looks like a ****e day, best that I don’t go outside
If any neutral for that matter feels that there are players on the freep that would make the game horrible for them, and in turn, horrible for the rest of the freep, please feel free to consider this message as an invitation as well. I’d sooner lose than live through another horrible game of in team fighting…
Cheers and luck
Rob of the freep