Game 30

Lol, no only sucessfull kidnaps and assass are counted… Only 7 more
possibles k/a’s next turn… I apologise for the low count and will be
raising it to 10 per turn in 2 turns.


Come doggie doggie doggie, be a nice doggie, eat your poisoned meet.

Good dog!!! :smiley:

Took some time, but Dendra Dwar is no more. Also two of his buddies joined the mass hugging party at the Dog Lord capital. :hug: :hug:


The same will happen to your nation this turn… Looking forward to extending
true hugism to your agents.

The One and Only Hug Machine

Oh, nearly embarresed to say only 44 now… But next turn is looking peachy
with new Dun meat to chomp on… Now where has SG run too?? Lol

Dunland is getting closer to the frontline… Thanks for giving me more targets
as I was running out. :stuck_out_tongue:


48… Pfendi, thought Tumble would escape? However Ulf dude was lucky to
escape the Priests of Huggism… But how many of your characters are queing
up on the steps of the Temple of Huggism at 2924? :slight_smile: And enough CL
‘priests’ to accomodate you all…

SG, nice waste of 25k transfering to Vamag? :stuck_out_tongue:


Well dear priest of hugging. Yes you got tumble :eek: .

But I got 2 DS characters :slight_smile:

By the way where are your buddies? I mean talking to the priest of huggins is nice and all. But just a dead count…and isn´t it embarrassing if Duns is killing the same number of peolpe as the CL for 3 turns running?

Hi All

Well I am the new Lord of Harad. I see an interesting situation has arisen while I have been tending to other duties. It appears that both Corsairs and Harad are still neutral (the only neutrals left if I read it right) and that Corsairs has indulged in an unprovoked attack on Harad.

This new Harad will operate on the basis of zero tolerance. Corsair forces in Harad lands have already been countered by superior forces and will be wiped out in the coming days. Harad lands lost to these attackers will be retaken. Further aggression from these pirates will not be tolerated. Be warned Corsairs - this coming turn is your single chance to move away from a state of war.

It has also been noted that theft is occurring from Harad property. There will be zero tolerance applied to these thieves and any nation operating thieves in Harad population centres will be liable for damages. You have been warned.

Diplomatically, Harad awaits contact from all nations. Updates on the state of middle earth are welcome. Contact Harad via our messenger:

New Harad, New Danger

Totally untrue Pfendi, the turn before I killed 4 characters while you killed
2… Is that the same?

The turn before that CL killed another 4 characters while Duns killed…?

Now, for the juicy bit, how many did the Duns send to the great Hug castle
in the sky this turn??? :smiley: Did 3 of your commanders die at Minas Arnor
to CL blades while the 4th luckily escaped? Its time to drop into Dunland…

52… Its my lowest CL score on T19 in 9 games… The only way is up

Hey Pfendi and freepies, are you considering surrendering?

Hey Sadsanedog,

if your kill count is the lowest ever, if you have not managed to knock out a single nation, while we FP have done so, yes we would accept your unconditional surrender. Send an email to Clint, but I think we would prefer to beat you to the ground.



My opinion of you just hit rock bottom… Thanks, it will make it easier to wipe
out the rermnents of your armies… Not only you spread lies in your previous
post but you follow it with a bad attempt of humour…

Going to enjoy this

Lies? What lies? Sorry to say, my post is completely true.

Unless by qouting you I copied one of your lies, in that case I am sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

And last your humor isn´t much better than mine. He who is without sin throw the first stone.

Whats the latest porky coming from the Dun Weekly? This might be the 1st turn the Duns has actually equaled the CL kill rate… Thanks for popping
Shadow, waste of space after failling the last failed 615 but Enion II
throwing himself against the walls was just ungentlemanly :stuck_out_tongue:

Have you noticed the front rolling back towards Dunland? The last of the
orignal NG falls this turn even with better late then never Noldo help or
was it too little too late… Dd the poor peasants of Dunland enjoy
paying for the Dunland troop costs for the last few turns and not one pc
retaken… Envelop, pin and destroy…

What no more accusastions that the WK and Rhudauer is not out of the game and that I am a lying weasel?

And please tell the LR that refusing challenges is not nice.



Never ever disagreed about Rhu and WK… What are you babbling about? Stop
it, I like weasels :stuck_out_tongue: Does’nt claiming you’ve equalled the CL kill rate when you
didnt make you a liar?

Anyway, some very interesting moves by your team, kill kill…

After lengthy DUN-Corsiar negotiaitons the new Cloud Lord holiday resort
is Umbar… The CL patience has finally run out. Atleast I have the honour
to declare war before I attack unliike the Dun backstab earlier this game
and Corsiar’s future attempt.

There is no honor among thieves and assassins.

Depends on the assassins and organisations… Take a look at the history of
assassination ‘groups’ eg. Ninjustsu clans, the Hasshesh’s etc…

I will always walk the path of honour…