Game 4

Hi Holger,
I’ve heard so many of this stuff, esp when playing “team Simpson”, I’m really tired to hear it again and again.

Let’s say we’re doing much better as Freps in game 6, we’ve eliminated half of the DS and were one turn beyond.

Okay it’s not the Circle playing here … but you should really tell Brad what you’ve really achieved so far!

Not very much in my eyes!

Don’t take this words too serious Holger and Simon, it’s simply my opinion and my look on the game (and I’ve played a lot).

Have Fun!


Gix - We would not waste our or your time on a hopeless game, is that good enough for you? Do you expect us to give up just because we cant easily win within the next 5 turns? Is it a walkover for you guys?


It’s been a hard game - certainly no cake walk/walk over. But the advantage pointer has been pointing to the DS virtually the entire game. And it get’s a little bit bigger every turn. No dramatic “Oh man, this is too easy, what a waste of time and money~!” for sure, a very solid game, but the map tells more of the tale than any secret character plans.

We’re not nagging you to quit - we’re just enjoying what we consider to be a superior position. I’ve been on the other side enough myself… :smiley:

Hi Holger,
one reason why I’m playing only grudge-games is the better quality of the opponents.

With better opponents the games are simply lasting much longer!

… and I’ve never said that your team is doing bad!

Have Fun!


Moin Gerhard & Brad

I would agree if it was “hardish” at times, but our gunboat light doctrine didnt do us much service lately or at all. The shift may not have had any impact at all, but then were trying all we can;) - you may have noticed some weak ripples. Lets see if they grow larger than that. You seem in part to have developed the right paranoid stance to it:D



Thanks to our noble Free People opposition for conceding a lost cause. The momentum was irreversible. But it wasn’t any cakewalk. We played a hard game start to finish.

Special shout out to my North Western allies - we left them play a virtual paired-Gunboat up there, tossing up the odd agent and sack of gold when they advised us of their needs. WK and Rhudaur keeping most of their homeland intact through turn 18 was exceptional - and they faced continuous waves of FP bombardment~! Kudo’s to Marios and Haris~!

Special Shout Out to my Long Rider ally - poor challenge dice early lost him his starting cav AND navy. Rebuilding with 10coms and emissaries, the man ended up with a good portion of the Eastern side of the map and was about to finish off the Eoplex with HCav recruiting from newly minted MT~! Nice work Michael J!

This game confirmed some things for us: The Dark Servants are easier to win with than the Free People. We set about to do what we pleased - and were able to do it. There really wasn’t much the Free People were able to do about it. The pushed very hard militarily, but really, we were never panicked - there was always some DS advantage or other to throw at the threats.

Special thanks to my allies for sticking with the plan (mostly… ;)) and working their respective bureaucracies with a high degree of professionalism. It was a very enjoyable experience, both watching the map develop (gotta love JO~!) and interacting with the group.


Brad B for the Nomads - DS Victors Game 4

Congratulations on a well coordinated game play from the DS.
Guess we should have focused a bit more on the team thingy on the freep side.
And just when I was getting started on the dragon slaying campaign, sigh!!


Hi Simon,
do you still have the same mail-address as in Circle-times?

I really would like to talk to you, but not here.

Please contact me under

Have Fun!


DS map zoomed.

Hi guys

Congrats to your victory, although there was an agreement that we would go on to t20 - we folded prior to that. As a short recap, NM died trough own incompetence and not your well placed pressure.


We figured as much to some extent. There was pressure, but to actually lose a nation is either a difficult decision or a “Um, guys, er…sorry but I…oops…” kind of play more often than not…~! :slight_smile:

… why I’ve got the feeling that we haven’t beat you?

Did you beat yourself?

Have Fun!


Hi Gix

Well - you guys played as a team from the beginning and we didn’t, so your ironic comment might even be “more true” than intended. No more gunboat grudge for me;), I don’t enjoy loosing.


But then it was still a good game.

Congratulations on a very enjoyable game,
I’m sorry you had internal problems in your team that may have lessened the enjoyment for you guys… :frowning:

If you want to exchange pdfs let us know!

Best wishes
Haris (Rhudaur)

Dear Rhu

Mein Führer I can walk - great movie, just saw it - enjoy your victory, just dont expect me to kiss your ass. I would love to exchange pdf´s - it depends on a common vote in favor of it. There has as of now not even been a motion in our group on this topic.

Iratically yours as always

Loke(sheepish duns):D:D:D

Thanks to the DS for a thorough beating. We lost for all kinds of reasons…one of them was your play.