Game 42

Sverre…no comment? How’s that economy doing?

No comment. Just actions. And talks cant get you out of this, rebell.

I am not depended of your tribut, dhimmy. You are depended of my protection

I am so glad you aren’t depending on tributes from me…what a weird strategy that would be. Um…is dhimmy supposed to be “dummy”? And as far as trying to talk my way out…man are you turned around. I’m trying to pick a fight! <<slap>>

Now that I have teached you a lesson will you surrender and start paying tribut again? I might CONCIDER that if you are humble enough

…and the lesson is?

a: I don’t really want either of those Mts.
b: I don’t mind using all those commanders in losing causes.
c: My allies wasting their time is ok.
d: All the above

btw, actually you’ve done a good job considering what we threw at you…not that we’re done throwing but anywho,


Be it known throughout Middle Earth that the Dunedain Exiles have after careful consideration found that the Free Peoples of Middle Earth represent the true way and understand the Exiles struggle with the Northern cold. The King has therefore declared that we will support the free peoples in their endeavours and will seek the removal of the servants of the Dark from the lands.

Gavin / Dunedain Exiles

OMG…Ha, Ha…Tribute…I’m simply rolling!!! You lost 2, count em, 2 MTs and more PCs to follow. Kunts can’t help and what help they sent was laughable…

Oh! That’s it!!! You are trying to get to DIE laughing. Keep up the good work!

What is this? No respect? You should really not have that attitude to those who are better than you.

Yes, you outnumber me, but I trust that my natural superity will triumph at last. And when that happend then it will be obvious for everybody that you are minor beings compared with me.
You are good. That is a sign of weakness. I am evil. That means strong. The strong are superior to the weak.
Have we learned something, young man(or darf or gnom or whatever)?


  1. Asshole of the Outsiders

PS. Laughing do not kill anyone, but could have influence on ones spelling


I’m just having a bit of fun with you.

Now, back to character…

Oh nation of the Outlandishly Outnumbered Outcast Outclassed Outsiders, we will drive you from our shores…and you shall become Outcasts.

Merashond of the Maronites

Ousted Ciders,

My spies tell me your king is good at at least on thing…macremae.

He has been heard in the halls yelling, “Worship me! I am the King of Macremae!”

(I may have misspelled macremae…but I don’t care!)


Hey Randy…welcome to the land of the Maronites. I’ll be visiting you shortly as well.


YOUR shores? You mean in the Haradwaitharea at the other side of the major river? Well, if you play with toysoldiers at your own beach then I am sure you will win eventually.

Sure. Dream on, little thing. Be very glad you are where you are. At some distance from mighty cruel me! Just ask Lancer Legion. He just lost a lord, a captain, his navy, a cavallery army and a town this turn! He MIGHT suspect that I am not COMPLETLY defeated yet after all.

The arrogant owerconfident Ruler of the Outsiders

Out of character:

What is “macrema”? A latin dance or something? Just curious.

P.S. I forgott to mention those poor boys I massacred at 2136, but that could hardly be counted as a REAL army.

Our people mourn the loss of En Sabbah Nhur and his cavalry…the captured will be returned. We are regretful that we have not been able to keep those 2136 citizens from under your heel…soon enough…

We never anticipated a complete, sweeping victory…conflict is rarely one-sided. We knew we had initiative going into the conflict and that we had to damage you as much as we could…that was accomplished.

We knew your allies would not let you wither on the vine…kuntorshunists planted a town to help, agents came as well. We are not done by any means and overall I count this turn as expected losses but you may have more difficulty regaining two major towns than I do promoting another to lead our troops…

The Legion is strong, angry, and focused…whoa to those who stand in the path of our Lancers…

Elat’haar Nhur the Praetor
Lancer Legion

Hello Lancer, funny little thing!

You do not give up. Do you? Thats fun. I like that. I might save you to last :smiley:

Dont worry. It feel very bad now , but you will mourn better when you have got more experience in it. Then it wont feel that bad as now.

Your pronomen “we” do not include the Maronites it could seem.

This says the opposite. (When you are in pieces then you are dead and when you are dead then you are resting.)( Just take my word for it if you dont get the logic)

Thats quite true. If you are going into a conflict with someone like Big Mighty Cruel ME then you better demage him seriously. Preferably eliminate him completly :slight_smile:
And yes you have demaged me, so you still outnumber me even if your allies are too busy to support you with armies, but I trust that my natural superity will triumph at last nevertheless. I am great. You are little. You can deny it, but future events will give me right.

But that is exactly where I am standing, where I have been standing and where I will stand in the future. And belewe it or not ,little thing, I am quite comfortable with that. The Outsiders stand in your way and there is NOTHING you can do with it. (Well acctually I am mostly SITTING, but nevertheless…)

You are facing pure evil and that is far more than a dwarf(or whatever…) like you can deal with.

Come on, little thing! Prove me wrong! :smiley: HAHAHAHA! (Evil arrogant laugh)

The one and only Sverre of the Outsiders

Kind of like knitting. I’ll try to find the correct spelling and perhaps a website with a picture.

in the U.S…the joke was funny. Whereever you are…probably a little confusing…like English “humor.”

Now back to character:

“Out, out, little brown spot.” That is all my soldiers say when faced with the remains of your pitiful troops. Your ill equipped, ill trained soldiers are little more than a stain on our satin white tunics. Guess that is why you all are Outsiders.:smiley:



If my nation looked like your nation does…I’d have a bag over my MEForum avatar face too!..

Just kidding. If you want me to send you a cool avatar and tell you how to change the one you have…just let me know.

What’s interesting is that I usually don’t play on the Forum. Not sure why I’m at it this game…who knows.


Hey Maronites,

why don’t you stop bantering with the nearly deceased and just kill him already. Good grief. :bash:

Tempus finds all this talk and “just kidding” afterwards to be weak willed. There are more foes awaiting us in many corners of this world. Let us go and greet them.

King Carsomyr the Just

“the billy club” of the Sons of Tempus

I am just SO glad to see you here Lord As Saba and Captain Imrahil! This will be a pleasant event. In fact I had halfway expected Hwyfrydig to join us too, but it seems they didnt make it… I have taken me the liberty to organise a proper welcomecomitee for you as you may have noticed.
In case you wonder where you are I can inform you that you are located in between the Outsiders wood-jaws. Thats not where your mothers would have wished you to be I guess, but it is indeed exactly where I wish you to be. I wanted you to come and you came. There will be a party and then… well… as some local ´professionals´ might put it :you will find rest in my port :smiley:
We are known as The Outsiders because we are known to be outside others coastlines. Now YOU are outside our coast. Thats fun, but it wont last long.
I will not be here when you are massacred. I know what will happend. I dont have to watch it. I am a busy man. I have much to do. There are wine to be drinken, mistresses to deal with and several decadent activities. (The Outsiders have gone directly from barbary to decadens unlike other lesser superior peoples who use to have a period of sivilisation in between)
Good buy, dwarves!

Make toast of them, Waren. I want a full report tomorrow after lunch. I must not be distrubd before then.

Ruling Superego of the Outsiders

Oh, now , now ,now Out Side Her…you might not like whatwe have in store, but I’m almost giddy with anticipation. C-ya.