Game 55 in 1650

I myself thought it was me who destroyed Muller, but maybe he told you it was a deer, mind you not sure why.

You sure it was a deer?

I take it all mouth and no trousers so you can have the last word if you like, it carried no real weight so it seems.

Now if any position come up on the other side do let me know as I can then enjoy dealing a little death and destruction to soemone who runs away.



Watch the blood pressure mate . . . it’s only a game. (Bloody good game in case Clint reads all this stuff by the way :smiley: )


Indeed its only a game but when you see me jumping into games I have never played in for no reason and calling the players also rans and slagging them off, tell me its only a game.

Think about it next time you do it and then give some thought to what those players may think about you doing it.

My blood pressure on the other hand is fine and at the moment I dont have any personal issues with you other than a desire to kick a bit of game butt.

But its your call play me or leave me alone its up to you.


Oh I agree the game is great, customer service sucks though.


Errr, when did any of that happen then? If you behave like this when someone merely indicates disagreement with your use of a single word in English then I would hate to see what happens in a pub when someone knocks over your pint!

Anyway, as I said in the other thread I have a lightness of step and a warm feeling of forgiveness in my heart so we can be at peace.

No idea I dont drink so that perhaps clears up that little one.

Oh and the point is not about the use of a word but if you look at the phrase earlier it did not carry the intent you gave it and I suffer not having words put in my mouth I did not say.

To take up the mantle is a challange, unless you give soem indication that perhaps it was attributed to a position or item that leads you to believe it to be leadeship.

So I take it you dont want to play me?


Okay, here goes . . . look it up yourself . . . plenty of evidence for my interpretation, none for yours . . .

No, I do not want to play you . . . in fact I am starting to discover a desire to move further away from East London than I do now!

Chambers 21st Century Dictionary
mantle noun 1 a cloak or loose outer garment. 2 literary a covering • a mantle of snow. 3 geol the part of the Earth between the crust and the core. 4 a fireproof mesh around a gas or oil lamp, that glows when the lamp is lit. 5 literary a position of responsibility • The leader’s mantle passed to him. 6 a fold of the external skin of a mollusc, etc that secretes the substance which forms the shell. verb (mantled, mantling) literary to cover, conceal or obscure something or someone • mantled in darkness.
ETYMOLOGY: 13c: from Latin mantellum, diminutive of mantum a cloak.

And as you mentioned American versions . . . Merriam Webster . . .
Main Entry: 1man·tle
Pronunciation: 'man-t&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English mantel, from Old French, from Latin mantellum
1 a : a loose sleeveless garment worn over other clothes : CLOAK b : a mantle regarded as a symbol of preeminence or authority <invested his people with the mantle of universal champions of justice – Denis Goulet>
2 a : something that covers, enfolds, or envelops b (1) : a fold or lobe or pair of lobes of the body wall of a mollusk or brachiopod that in shell-bearing forms lines the shell and bears shell-secreting glands – see CLAM illustration (2) : the soft external body wall that lines the test or shell of a tunicate or barnacle c : the outer wall and casing of a blast furnace above the hearth; broadly : an insulated support or casing in which something is heated
3 : the back, scapulars, and wings of a bird
4 : a lacy hood or sheath of some refractory material that gives light by incandescence when placed over a flame
5 a : REGOLITH b : the part of the interior of a terrestrial planet and especially the earth that lies beneath the crust and above the central core

So whe you ask someone to take up the mantle in challange what you are in fact saying is all of the above?

Wow you really sure about that?

As I say wager me on it, bet I did not ask Muller to take up the Earth, or lead me to victory nor many of the other listed descriptions.

Well thats my arguement anyway not sure what yours is since you are arguing a point I do not seek to make.

I do keep telling you to give it up as a lost cause we are not going to agree on this now are we.


Sorry I have to make one last attempt . . .

Mantle doesn’t bloody well mean challenge, not in English anyway! It means any of the things the dictionaries list above but not what you thought it meant.

That was the point which still seems to be sailing way above your head somehow.

No it does not mean to challange as a word in itself, howver the use of the phrase to take upthe mantle means many things and one of those depending on the usage is as described.

Now its not only used in east london but whether its limited to London or the UK I dont really care to be honest.

As I keep saying and I am not that interested I want to go did out my books and list phrases, in the context I used it it does not mean most of the things you used it for and hence why should I worry about it.

I never said them and dont seek to and so you can dig about all day but the point is I wont agree with you no matter what you say.

Now that makes the argument pointless so why continue as we have reached a point we are deadlocked about


He he, this could go on forever . . .

In short, you said on the other thread :-

I dont wish to have to correct you but the Mantle is not an object of great desire only a saying and means very little as such in English. Now what it may mean in American is not something I wish to engage in at all.

It means to take up the challange for instance and a challange is not a crown of victory at all.

Using the dictionaries to help with English definitions demonstrates that you are wrong. I now understand your intent and have no argument with it but your words did not convey your intended meaning because they actually mean something else in English.

Okay, so you may still disagree . . . it’s a trivial thing but I needed a pointless argument after a particularly long and hard day and I genuinely thank you for indulging me. I think that you could make money if you provided this as a service on demand!

As well you know English is an evolving langauge and many things are in common use before they hit a book and yet if you ask people they understand its use.

Who is right and who is wrong and whats the point when you ask if its a good day and the other guy says how good?

Now I can say this over here and have no problem having it understood and that all I care about.

Now if having such arguments makes you happy have a good day but to me its very pointless but as you can see I just keep on truckin.


Oh have you not guessed money has no interest in itself for me otherwise I would have taken Mullers money off him for his loss.

I like to kick butt in games but of course that now requires a challange, now who else can I find to face me in a 12 v 12.


Okay you’ll see from my separate thread I’ll concede defeat in this quite happily now.

One day, if I get the time, I will contact you I hope to play such a game because I’d love to try it. I have to confess though that keeping 2-3 positions is taxing me enough for now with the normally limited time that I have for games.

Out of interest, do you get any “bulk discount” for one of these or do you pay for the full twelve turn fees every turn?

Now unless your name is Chris you have to pay for all the turns at full cost each turn though the set up cost is held at a standard rate for a 1650.

So its not cheap and time wise its hard and rechecking those orders is interesting.


Okay, maybe one day I’ll take up the challenge . . .

Until then the mantle is most definitely yours.

I haven’t posted here in some time… been rather busy. In response to this I will simply point out that one cannot steal something that belongs to no one. In fact, you, the lesser of two Gondors, are closer to thieves than are my people. Our fleet was in the hex first. :slight_smile:


I would like to publicly thank the Quiet Avenger, Corsairs, and
Haradwaith for not coordinating their incursions into my waters. It
has made the job of intercepting their navies much easier. It is a
shame that both of the originally neutral nations attempted
to steal artifacts from our realm when they could have simply
asked for them.

The Evils are running on empty here anyway. Bradford is all alone since the Witch-King went poof. Will be marching south. Have no problem giving out the requested thrashing. Gotta say Bradford you were one heck of a pest though. Very good play by your part. It’s been nerve wracking fighting you. But alas I am hearing the faint sound of a chubby lady and why…she is singing :smiley:
See you in a theater near you!

Frank I just wanted to apologize to you as I over spoke my bounds and used language I’m not proud of. Sorry for being an ASS!

Learning to be a less of an Ass,

Now pray tell what caused this shot out of the dark.

Well unless you happen to be Bruce Fox in disguise, or Rob, Tony or Ditto, (even old Muller is not on this list, since I settled in game with him, it cannot have been that bad as I have forgotten it already.

But as you may have gathered I am not known for my tolerance of poor language choice and even less so when its directed to my personal mail.

Dont remind me what it was its just water under the bridge.
