Game 56 starts

Hi Will,

It’s a 4-1 advantage but I see what you mean, soon to be a 4-0 advantage :smiley:

Only one neutral was predetemined to go dark from the off. The others were hard work recruiting…but eventually they saw Sauron as their Master.

It helped a lot that some of us knew the Dun player from previous games and also the Corsair player (both of whom I played with in my last game).

I must say though that the FP have played this game really well and I hope to play with or against you in the future.

Saying that I also hope that this game does continue because it is a long way from being over. Even with the advantage in neutrals no nation has yet been killed and the FP still hold various advantages.


I assume as you are dropping your name shall be Candle 2?


What is it with you guys dropping? We worked for, and got, neutrals to join with us. Immediately after talking up your “huge” bad-assed naval strength heading our way, you quit? Why? Is it absolutely, positively impossible for 10 nations to defeat 14, especially when several of the 14 are still recovering from being mauled? I guess the answer is “yes”, it is impossible, since most just suffer from “heart failure”, as in no heart, and drop. What a disappointment.

And, even though I DO NOT want to get re-involved in the pee-ing contest, that last post by Vandal is just damned funny!


a familiar smell rentered the board from self imposed exile.

please, your revisionist history is constant, and amusing. that will be settled in our little game 72. still haven’t dropped 53. read that you dropped everything, despite winning nearly all your games. funny how that didn’t happened. oh, you wrote it, and a lot of other funny prattle. nice to see even after you left, and swore this board off, you still sneak in and look. your like the little fat kid eating cookies hes not supposed to eat, when his parents aren’t looking. somebody on the evil side hurt your feelings, or this game wasn’t a challenge, it was the second monday in a september with two full moons, or was it that darn dog eating your turn again. somewhere in there are the reasons you fled. i gotta remember to change the locks on the doors of uk 56. oh wait, now i have left too. hence, you and i have game 72. i look foward matching up, and rolling over you. and no, you will call me Daddy. i keep forgetting, i thought you didn’t want to communicate with me anymore, as it was a waste of your time. candle, still laying down rules, and not obeying them. tisk, tisk, please don’t whine to clint yet again. it’s cowardly, so its well within your nature. thats like the third time i have tagged you with that label, it fits so well. gonna threaten to fly to NY and spank me? fly southwest into islip airport here on long island. just like your “challenge game”, i’ll pick up any nonsense you lay down, and beat you with it. i do enjoy watching you dance around accountablility. don’t deny it, i save my emails from you, so as i feel sorry about the whipping i’m dealing onto you, those precious ramblings inspire me to slap you more. never hit send mail when your angry. see you on 11/03/04, when our orders run.
but i digress(as usual). donvant, i’m not interested in playing in a 14-10. yes, several of your nations were mauled, including yours, rather badly. the entire free side thanks you for the compliment. first, candle says the game is no challenge. considering the way the duns and rhudar joined the evil side in an unannounced attack( i have no issue with that, our guys should have been paying more attention), you should be embarrassed at the state of the game. i kinda have a better opinion of the corsairs player, and the impact his nation will have on the game, then you. i’m sure your dissappointed, as i am, at the outcome of this game. but its a game, and theres always another one down the road. you and the evil side played well. sometimes, thats all you get. i don’t know what the others are doing, but i wish them well. they are good players, and even better teammates. you should not question there heart, esp the woodmen, cardy and sinda.
who was you original witch king player? his opening moves were excellent with respect to mirkwood. had we not charged at 1804 early, he would have been in very fine shape.


Candle (master) to Candle 2 (servant)

This is a free Forum and feel free to talk about the games as much as you like, it is not for me to stop you posting as you wish within the remit of gaming.

Now the question I have to ask is if you want to take it outside of the game and send me mails to that effect do I have to put up with it, well my answer is no I dont.

Hence a not unreasonable request that both of us refrain from sending mails to each other.

After all is it not enough the loser pays for the games and has to give up gaming, now is that not a true grudge game?

As regards game 53 it is recorded that my nation missed a turn, in a drop, then became active again.

However since you are incapable of understanding basic English, perhaps spelling it out like this, since it now will not harm the team, will enlighten you.

I am quite happy to let you ask the question of ME and when you have the answer perhaps you will learn the error of your way.

Not that I think you will and dont think I am going to go running to Clint to break you, your broken already, the nasty bile you send me tells me so.

Oh I am going to enjoy crushing you its only a shame you refused my side wager, but all mouth and little else.

However enough of this me thinks lets open our own game 72 mesage box and we can taunt each other all day long


We the DS would like to know if the whole FP team are quitting this game or is it just the 2 nations that are dropping?

We also believe that there is a lot of fighting and dying still to go.

back to your 56 question, while i await fwankers promised question. the arthedian and n gondor players have withdrawn. plan for the game to continue.


hey! I wanna know more about who’s dropping in game 53… or is that a typo in multiple postings?

We are deciding what to do and debating who will take over whom if we continue. I will let you DS know when we have decided.

cj, sinda

Oh deep is my joy if I am a Fwanker does that make you Mwanker and what does the M and F stand for, male female or something else, you sure you want to go down ths route?

Indeed the question of the loser paying is not enforceable but you agreed to it (oh yes I kept that e mail) and harp on about honour oh so much, are you really telling me you have none?

Not a shock so as you dont like the idea, I will let you off, lets not quibble about money, I can live with the the kudos of kicking your whatever.

By the way who is holding your hand on this and helping you, for a man without honour, well what else can on think.

I can smell that devil on your shoulder whispering in your ear, but hey go for it, you need the help.

Please carry on your but can we take our bitter sweet responses to our own forum.

You are free to get as depraved as the Forum allows, just dont mail me direct, I have asked you more than once and that should be enough.



I’m not questioning your teammates hearts. They’ve played well. I personally could have done better, but this is how I will learn, being not very experienced in ME. The original WK dropped, I forget why. He seemed to have things well in hand. In fact, he crafted the opening Mirkwood moves. 'Course, then he dropped, leaving me admittedly over my head.

By the way, I’m NOT embarrassed by the state of the game, since as I stated earlier, I’m learning. Don’t give a rat’s a$$ about how you perceive me, either. I was told by several others that you are a highly experienced, very talented ME player. So yes, I am disappointed to see you drop. This is a team-oriented game, yes? I’ve been playing team-type games for over 33 years. I do not bail on my team.

So, now that you and Frank have left this game, I’m thinking that you will stick to insulting one another on that game’s thread, right?


Now I to by the way know why the WK dropped but does it really matter at the end of the day, players should be allowed to drop if they like.

Knowing why he dropped I would suggest you dont pursue the matter as enough coals have been draged over in this game.

Some sleeping dogs should be left


This is the Haradwaith here,

I am not dropping because I would like to get my land back from the QA, Mike.

Sorry there is no chance of that. What yours is now mine. Your southern kingdom first then next turn then I start on your northern kingdom, just for fun mind you :stuck_out_tongue:

you have played very well. your very tenacious(i think i goofed the spelling there.) i meant no criticism, other then a defense of my teammates. if i went overboard, i apologize. savor that, i don’t do it often. when i’m wrong, i’m wrong.
while this is a team oriented game, the free side all joined solo, or in my case, with the s gondor player. hes played before, but is rusty. so, its not a team game in a grudge sense, but we have worked toward common goals as a side. for my part in all that intrateam planning, the others can comment. i will venture to say i would foward the n gondor nation if the game was ending, and be pleased with the nations current disposition.
my dropping has to do with some math. a safe assumption is that in a 14-10 setup, the side with 14 will execute 96 more orders per turn. thats 4 nations, 12 heros per nation, 24 orders per nation. at this point, 12 heros is probably cutting a few of you short. in additon, the corsairs gives you 6 m towns, 1 city to work with to support your damaged nations. to what degree you will work together, i don’t know. eliminating your damaged nations has just gotten a lot harder if you mesh well. your side has played well, and the 1922 is evidence you exchange pop centers(as you should.)
finally, both gondors agreed to retire if the game went 14-10 at game start. certain neutrals ( i believe) were informed of this fact. call it a bailout if you choose, but it be what it is. i have enjoyed this game, and look foward to playing with/ against all of you in the future.
as for candle, i have no idea why he bantered twice again, and then again twice after my response. i set up game 72 folder where we can flog each other in public, and you can amuse yourselves with the results. as for our game, i’m confident of victory. i’m sure hes confident too.
if we aren’t on different sides, then i wish you luck in all things.


Well its looking like the free people are gonna stay in this. Arthdain is staying on and we will be getting replacements for those who choose to drop. We figure if tolkien’s good guys could win 15 on 10, we can surely beat 14 of you.

Dwarves arent dropping its just starting to warm up.

14/10 with no North Gondor player, there my kinda odds.


I’m glad you the FP have decided not to drop. This ones still touch and go even with a 14-11 advantage.

I have to say to the free you’d be in better shape if the early free diplomacy had been (as a team) better. Some players (Sinda + North gondor for instance) can hold their head up high on this one but most of the team is a big zero.


Apology accepted. Now, please accept mine. I forget sometimes that what someone has written may not come across to me in the tone meant. I did not know (obviously) of any pre-agreement on your side if it went to 14 vs 10, that also changes my perception, somewhat. Still, I am sorry to see you go. Good luck to you, too. I look forward to meeting you again sometime here in ME.

Remaining Freeps,

Yeah, that’s the spirit! Now, prepare to be skewered.
