Game 6 - the rematch

Well you know we cannot count, perhaps we thought it was 5 days and not 5 weeks we agreed to!

But it keeps us amused if you are bored, we will soon liven that up for you, so just wait for it!

[QUOTE=vandal;61009]Well you know we cannot count, perhaps we thought it was 5 days and not 5 weeks we agreed to!

That’s OK, we already have all our turn 5’s ready, :stuck_out_tongue:

:frowning: Turn 5 :confused:

I don’t even have turn 1 done:(:(:(:frowning:


Don’t bother, I see the FP with a White Flag coming in 31 days, LOL

See thats what happens when you need some new glasses and you have eaten the only guy who can make them.

Sure that was a flag but not one where we give up, though if you think os might give me an edge as I charge!

Well, not a rematch for me, but I hope to last a bit more than 5 turns! I hear good things, lets see if this “Team Simpson” can provide worthy entertainment, shall we my precious?

Give up? Surrender? You can have my surrender when you pry it from my cold, lifeless nation! Come get some love from daddy…


Order Of battle? You speak as if you know what My moves will be! Also as if The DS have superior numbers and better armies… You should be asking How are you going to contain this Noob from ousting you out of this Game. Becuase in last game in the midst of your teams strengths I found Team Simpson Totally lacking and responding to my moves… Now I have superior numbers Good Luck trying to even slow me down!:bash:

Good thing you took yourself out, you’d probably have the whole westside by now, LOL

Terry why waste orders responding to you? If you could not anticipate the fact that a suicide attack on Mt Gundabad would bankrupt your nation we did not need to respond to you. During your entire time in the game you tried to get attention, and I pointed out to you that your nation was irrelevant at that point that the real action was elsewhere. You eliminated yourself as seems to be a common strategy for you.

Now you have superiority in numbers? Well those troops are expensive. Hopefully for the FP you will heed the advice of more fiscally astute players. Come and get me if you can.


Noob + WK= Failed Diversion, :slap: , LOL

Well SAince

Well I wont be tangling with the WK so someone else can look forward to a good thrashing whilst we see if the diversion works or not.

Of course I am irrelevent a complete non factor in all the games I’m in… With such superior opposition all I am here for is trying to make Team simpson look good. That’s a Dam hard to do… I spend hours losing sleep… How can i make Team Simpson look brilliant while I figuire out ways to Bankrupt myself so my team will never see it coming… So even all of my team will never see it… Now That takes skill even for a Noob! :wink:

Hopefully you’ll have a repeat performance, LOL, I’d nominate ya for “Noob of the Decade”, :hug:

I’m not sure If I will be able to go for the jugular with such affectionate comments… To be Noob of the Decade would be quite the honor! :hug:

[QUOTE=HolyAvenger;61045]I’m not sure If I will be able to go for the jugular with such affectionate comments…

If you didn’t, we’d be so disappointed, :wink:

To be Noob of the Decade would be quite the honor! :hug:[/QUOTE]

That’s cause you’re the only Noob we know, :stuck_out_tongue:

Ouch going to be some hurting going on in this game!
Can I deliver some glasses so you can at least see it coming?

Only if the glasses go on the back of our heads, cause that’ll be your only approach, :stab: LOL

OK not as problem I will be atatcking from all sides and have np problems sticking you from behind. All is fair in love and war! Wear do you want the glasses?