Game 6 - the rematch

Rap? Dr Seuss is the biggest inspiration by far… Sorry, I’m not “in” my 40’s yet, still have a kid small enough…!!

Ok so the Rhu has one MT and a camp left and whatever the dark side gave him from the dragon boy no doubt!

well we wil soon fix that as even the mighty rhu cannot block all those armies in all directions.

I do like my song rhu you are through

The harad has a town and his capitall left.

never mind can you block both huge armies onto it this go, harad enough I cry? Its looking grim, one dragon cannot kill all those men you need at least two.

The WK well his rich as he has two whole MT left and a village of his start ups.

Shame though its wm time!

Darn where are all the agents when you need them havigng a coffee/tea break?

Well I know you are going to feel the pain next go, second wave is coming for the fk can you feel the heat beating on your doorstep?

Well with crap all good agents lets make hay whilst the sun shines.

Well its going so well I can afford to put up my feet and leave matters in the capable hands of others and have a break.

Mine is a kitkat if you are asking!

Well looking forward to the next tuirn I want to see if the WK is dead, we shall see. I will settle for the Rhu or Harad though me thinks you sent some gold out as we stole some so you must have sent a lot!

Signing out looking forward to the next turn.

Brad its only that Gixxer decided he wanted to win and built a side capable of doing so. Though perhaps you have had it to easy for to long and the edge has gone out of your game?

You can take your pick but he told me to expect a hard game and in part it has and part it has not.

If thats our good play or bad play on your part others can judge post game.

But hell I would rather win or lose a great game than win easily all the time.

PS I still want to win though!

Hi there Brad,
looking on game 82, perhaps we shouldn’t have thrown the towel.
We still had a chance to win it.-

… but that’s history, now!

You’re talking about PCs we only got back?
Ever taken a look on the whole map?

Tell me about the PCs you’ve really won!

Have Fun!


Dont tell them you gave up before, it may give them hope!

You guys quitting again??? LOL

Ok you got me, the cats out the bag, you must have done for us real bad this go, what can I say, I did not see it!

In the case Easter and Christmas will fall on the same day, or the dinos
will come back, or the sun will fall on Earth …
… we might think about quitting.-

Why should we quit a game we’re going to win?


Same reason you would keep playing when you’re losing, stuborn, LOL, oh wait you quit before, LOL

So then …
we will see what will happen this turn.-

Me thinks that you’ll lose more MTs and perhaps some nations.


MT well what can they do its a done deal, we take a few and they take?

The rest we play the hand we are given and see how the dice roll and check the results next go.

But darned if I know how the rhu or harad are going to block all those armies on them!

How many troops is that on the Rhu cap, no way to bring home that 2209 army when you need it. Acceptable trade, though dont tell the elves that.

The WK well his either in trouble this go or not but well we have to leave him alone for a turn to stick it to the Rhu. Just able to watch as we toast those about him and see his fate. I love that city he got ready for me, save some for me!

No harm telling those about to die our secret plan, kill them all!

Out of idle curiousity, was recruiting Daelomin 2 arties as advertised or was there some other response? I’ve not recruited that wyrm in the past and wanted to update a file or two…

you give him 10,000 gold.

Well there you go Mike. Flip a coin - Ed’s hoping you waste 10,000 next time OR he laughingly assumes we’d never take his revelation seriously and…is telling the truth… Sigh, and 10,000 is blank on my files for the Big D…what to do what to do… :frowning:

Man of his word or not? I would not give you the answer until the game is over myself.

Game is over, where’s your white flag, :slight_smile:

Still in my back pocket, same as yours or so I hope!

So going to fess up what you playing or you got white flag in pocket syndrome!

Good to see you have some fight left in you, can we break it just a bit, we shalll see.

You wont like what comes next at all!

Wait till you see what we pull out of our a**, and it won’t be white, LOL

Well thats where the secret plans are then, well you can keep those!

But as we all know nothing is certain and boy you need a bit of something but we shall see shall we not.

We will also be having a whirl and lets see how whirls the most shall we?

Maypole anyone?