One ring option, I assume we are not playing one ring, am I wrong?
Of course the dark side think they can win and when you have gone unbeaten so long they deserve the respect that play carries. They wont give up but go down hard and see if they can claw it back.
But it has to hurt to lose how many players now and we can rebuild our losses on any injured nations and perhaps by now they may have worked out we have not been idle with our characters as has been said by one of your rather foolish nations.
So who played the FK by the way some good play at the outset, never understood the move north, cost him dearly, as I said, what damage did it do me. Still a solid effort non the less.
This is not the nw you know when the eo does a jig your caps gone doggy boy, its claimed, its mine job done. Can you afford its loss?
Kudos on a great game you play a mean game but all things come to an end, one day even I will lose!
But for now lets fight it out and see which of us who has claimed victory is right.
DS have disappeared. They’ll come back with some excuse about not visiting the forum (which they do early or when they’re winning…) and then say “Good game FP!” but then qualify it with a bunch more excuses. Yawwwwwn…
Dog cap gone, wk cap gone, harad cap gone, qa cap gone, fk out, dragon lord out, harad about to lose his second cap. I know I have lost some games and the dark side say we dont see we are losing it but I just dont see it. I would mention a few more losses but that would give to much away.
When they beat us kudos to them is all I can say they have are a better judge than me it seems.
Dark side have gone into lets not talk mode as they feel the tick tock of their own clock counting down and know they cannot meet the deadline they themselves set.
Some talk the talk and some walk the walk and I just walked away from the dog cap intact no losses and burned the sucker.
Was it talk, hmmmmmmm I wonder where we are heading next?
What do you think IK cap or is that to obvious?
How many agents did the dark side lose this go or emmies come to that, well its fine we can trade comms for agents all day long!
How many pop centres did you take and how many did we take off you?
Thats indeed many a huge army about to hit mordor and its has a couple of small armies to defend it?
Ouch OK so we dont see its not hurting you to lose nations of capitals so feel free to carry on, its a good way to lose a game.
Well if this is losing can I have seconds?
Well time to bet on how long it takes to not here some form of comeback!
Well you dark devils the games won and hence no need for me to carry on and finish you off, back to retirement for me and I can leave the rest of the side to end it now.
You where a great side but not quite great enough!
Turn 15 and the eo has not lost a character to enemy action, must be a record?
No idea why you let me walk off unscathed from destroying the dog capital but you dont hear me complaining!
Now I am gone you may feel the urge to come and play on here?
Well the dog uses krusnak with crap agent skill but nice stats to try and top a army comm tells a tale, feeling the heat? shame he died but one of many
Thats the dog repaid, told you I would trade pop centres, your cap for the loan of my mt for a few turns seems fair to me?
FK well his dead so that will have to do for him.
The CL has run so he will have to get it last? but others have designs on him so my gift to the is you.
IK you see my 3000 plus hc plus even more warmachines and yes I now have more than last go and next to me you see another army with wm, take your pick but I hope you chose me.
One way or another your names been called and if you know anything when its called its gone, be the first to cause me to fail why dont you?
The dog perhaps did not believe me but it cost him his cap. IK your next lets see you stop both armies, I dont think you can but hey make me pay and try? Now see how open I am and even tell you what we plan as per 1804, did I not tell you before we got up it was 50/50 it was gone?
That many troops plus wm and your caps gone no dragon can save you even now.
Payback is sweet indeed and long will we sing songs of our deeds for history is always written by those who win.
I hate talking shop in an open format but whe Gixxer threw in the towel and quite, one knew it was his team and had to go to leave to let him stay. One can argue but we can save for after the game and publish the e mails if required. No more needs to be said other than in defeat you are a ruddy good side and I can see why its taken so long to give you a pasting. Ignore the taunting its just a bit of fun at your expense and now you can live without it from me.
Please dont take advantage of my absence and try and turn this game around! My partner in crime still remains to finish the job.
Agreed. Honour is honour, and in the Literate world, it’s spelled with a U, so I kindly suspect our opposition has it’s own definition and we’re gonna be here for a long time…
For the record when the team captain sends you private mails in a very angry tone and says he is your personal enemy, as he imagines you have stolen his team, then yes its time to leave. Team harmony should be everything, not players or captains butting heads.
I have never had to kick a player out of any team of mine but man to lose 3 this year hell I am sure it cannot be just me.
I did not think sending to many e mails caused people to hate you as a rule but maybe I am to easy.
I would remind the team captain I asked him not to leave and volunteered to go instead and would remind him it was not me that was asked to tone down the personal insults by others. Think about it and make sure they finish the game as winners.
Yes it was me pushing a lot of mad ideas, so blame me for most things before 2008 if you like, that I can say was not mine.
Of course the man who shoots the gun can always deny it was his fault the other person died but hey such is life.