Game 6 - the rematch

… they could play Vandal!

Have Fun!


No Mike B, you have it wrong - as Mike Bel… said, they knew on turn 2 that we were going to kick the stink out of them, so they’ve been desperately scrambling for the One Ring ever since… :smiley:

Hey Keith you ratbag :slight_smile: I thought I’d only been warned on a number of occasions to not do it to Mrs Wun Toof (Faw kids). Still doesn’t do her any good either :smiley:

When you gonna join one of these games? :slight_smile:

Winsten 3 games

For the record I do not hold with this lack of honour concept and wish to distance myself from it. Team Simpson are playing to the rules as far as I can see it and whilst one may not like it, it is what it is. Its legal, they dont have to tell you why they are playing on, well it was obvious some turns ago was it not?.

I found them hard but fair and hats off to them for playing to the rules if no one ring was agreed at the outset.

I would play them myself without hesitation as has been suggested but I have made other arrangements. I would be grateful if one did not use my name in this game again and avoid dragging me back into this sorry mess.

Still I dont want team Simpson to win so forgive me if I still want to see you lose!

LOLZ! You’re thinking :hug:, but she’s gonna :bash: you some good for that…

When you gonna join one of these games? :slight_smile:

Gixxx talked the talk about having me join, but I think he was still a little sore about some Harad-busting shenanigans we pulled against him in an independent game. Brad keeps complaining I don’t communicate enough, but everyone knows I’m just trying to balance our his verbal diarrhea.

It’s all good. I’ve been crazy busy with kids and work. Brad’s other grudge (we just won game 4) and Bloodguard (game 9) has been more than enough.

Okay, no more thread hijacks by me… I’m outta here.

Somehow, I am having problems with the thought that Mike Bateman would advocate the eroision/elimination of anything that happened to fall outside his mental envelope. Which was a pretty large envelope, as I recall. Must this game continue to be ground down to the level of the least imaginative amongst us?

Imagination? One ring is more like Yahtzee if you ask me.

The army/agent game game takes imagination, maneuver, and anticipation. One Ring takes alot of 900 orders and persistence. A good accountant with enough data points, right? Or maybe a lucky 418 by now, who knows? We’ve got more characters looking, you started earlier. If we’re going to play a random numbers game, I’d rather take my money to the craps table.

The parts of the game that require imagination are over. WHat we have now is an exercise in statistics.


Sore? Me?

Hey man, you must be taller than two meter or a razor-blade-writing-self-suicided-willing-to-die-player (like Rob).

… and even he’s not able to get me “sore” about former games (and they were much harder to play).-

Of course I would like you to join the Circle!

… but we don’t have empty slots at the moment.

… and the team is doing very well.

The communications (half the winning) is very, very good.
There’s nothing to improve at the moment and the only vacant position is promised to Mike Johncock (for a year or so).

Have Fun!


… and strategy

[QUOTE=Gixxer;63208]Sore? Me?

Hey man, you must be taller than two meter or a razor-blade-writing-self-suicided-willing-to-die-player (like Rob).

I suppose that’s a compliment for you Keith. He’s saying that you are less annoying than Rob is (he must be a real bstard to be worse than you :))

I do know someone that really tweaks Gixxx’s piggy tails though :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof (Who has an annoying spectacled alter ego :p)

*Rapunzel had imagination. Imagination that every day her prince was going to come to whisk her away while she was (to coin Brad) ‘getting the stink kicked out of her’ :slight_smile: I imagine Mike B’s response is “Imagine this!” while he imagines his Northy foot and Rapunzel’s butt :eek: Imagination is over rated, give me stolid and boring HC versus your imaginary MT’s any day :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof

Yep, we are experimenting on your dime. Thanks. Feel free to experiment yourself.

Okay, but I don’t know what to cross one of you DS with that wouldn’t leave the other party embarrased :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof

It’s an experiment - nobody leaves the lab, sorry, you signed the waiver and should have already taken care of the insurance… Besides, the DS certainly aren’t getting out alive…

Why would you want to experiment with me anyway? I am at the pinacle of evolution :smiley: … Well at least my ignorance allows the corners of my mouth to turn upwards on a regular basis which Ed seems to find most alarming :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof

Mouths turning upward is fine…opening wide, well, we have interventional issues then, don’t we…? Crap on the Kiwi’s all you want, from my perspective, you’re just jealous… Didn’t they invent that hamser ball thingie you get in and roll down the hill…???

A hamster ball thingy that rolls down hill? Well that’s very imaginative :D, the Kiwis should team up and make a MEPBM grudge group :smiley: Not quite jealous, more inclined to say ‘WHAT THE???’


Winsten Wun Toof

Hey guys,
live is short and we really should share our feeling!

Peace! Peace!

Have Fun!


[QUOTE=Gixxer;63223]Hey guys,
live is short and we really should share our feeling! Peace! Peace!

Gixxx I think I should point out that the damage you do to your ‘man brain’ with thoughts like that is irreversible… You should repent of those thoughts immediately, and apologise to everyone. I’m starting to get a bit pannicky here… :slight_smile:


Winsten wun toof

Ha, ha, ha!

The “man brain”: isn’t it first focussed on things happening between different sexes?-

I would bet that at Germany and England soccer will take the second place.

… so here we are back on things basing on our DNS.

The willing to make more of us and to fight 'till the enemies are drinking their blood (or the ball was placed in the goal).

Of course we’re going into this direction.

Don’t worry … you won’t find flowers in my hair!

Have Fun!
