Game 6 - the rematch

Nahhhhhh, we like to take a break on weekends, you still have 2 days to surrender, LOL

Today is FP’s Dooms-Day, did you finally get yourselves together, or do ya need another five weeks??? LOL BTW, we’ll understand if you throw in the towel, :slight_smile:

Tomorrow, no…?

No today. 26th of May, tommorow it is too late for you to surrender. Friday the turn 1 will run.

First turn went so perfect, it was like we had 5 weeks to plan it, oh wait, we did, LOL

Yep, indeed!

Interesting to say the least.

Hmmmm well well well all good for me how was it for you

Orgasmic, smoking a big fat cigar right now, LOL You guys give up yet??? :slight_smile:

Oh cannot speak for the other guys but I am quite happy and just as I said soemone is going to get a butt kicking.

Have them just where I want them myself.

Any of the dark side ready to give up?

Oh it was a most revealing turn, well for some of us!!!

What is good in life?

To meet our opposition in battle.
Drive them before us.
Hear the bleatings of their mamalian life-partners.

Anyway, nice to see food at 2 and getting some nice bonuses on characters doesn’t hurt either.

Still haven’t seen all our turns yet, besides this is supposed to be a dull turn…it starts heating up soon though.:stab:

I always figured the orcs would have a fourth line to that one:

“To consume them with a nice chianti”

Bah! This turn was too boring. Not nearly enough bloodshed. On the upside, it gives the press gangs a little more time to work the taverns. Heck, we might even have enough time for our new “heavy infantry” to get sober and figure out which end of their pointy sticks goes in the enemy.

Looking for some action,


Flaming blind it sees
Free People big-eye soup in orc skull
Woodmen Victory~!

Woodman would be lucky to just come out of this with splinters in his butt, LOL

Hey, also noting that the Sinda likely moved his capital due to the gold transfer rumor and knowing that Tim knows that I know that he knows how I know I like to play. :wink:

Problem is…Tim may not have been the (only) intended victim…and we sure as heck won’t stop.

Yo, Avenger, which nation are you playing? I need to know which shoulder to look over.

Avenger having fun
Playing all the nations behind Ed
Spin around owl, weeeeeeeeeeeee!

Gollum lives, LOL

He’s on special assignment as EA, LOL

Paul, you should rename into LOLLY.
This nickname would fit much better.

Have Fun!
