Game 63 1650


Look I said stay out of my corner and we could be friends…not good friends where you get the invite to all the parties…but more like acquanticies. So stop gatecrashing the shindigs or I will have to stop being Mr Nice Easterling and create a new character called “All The Horse Flesh You Can Eat” or something of that nature.

Now where did I put that army? No not that one the other one :smiley:

Easterlings - Purveyor of exotic foods & King of Rhun

Is anyone out there?

Can you hear me now?

Yeah we are still here. Just working on one nation at a time…its just not your time yet Ian…it will be soon.


What happened? I thought the Eothraim army under the command of Easterling Slayer was going to win that last battle…but yet again my army wins…I wonder how long this can go on for :wink:

Easterlings - Purveyor of exotic foods & King of Rhun

Oh well :wink: I knew that little army of mine had to lose sometime but it lasted a lot longer than I thought it would. I wonder how long my next army will survive :slight_smile: A bit longer than that Eothraim army, I hope.

Easterlings - Purveyor of exotic foods & King of Rhun

Well i must say – after taking over the Rhudaur nation on around turn 13 – it has been one wave after another of freep armies – Now have a Noldo one on 1910 with at least two more that seem to be heading in my direction !! Didn’t know Rhudaur real estate was that much in demand !!

Mike – Rhudaur/CL

Hi Blue Knight,

that you took over from Rotzbard explains a lot, game play has improved a lot. Sorry for making your live difficult especially at the beginning. Turn 13 I just landed my 5000 troups on Imladris and went for you capitol.

To bad if you had taken over the position a few turns earlier you might have joined the right side.


Its great to see so many people using this thread, for a minute there I thought I would go insane talking to myself :wink: Quack, Quack, Quack :smiley:

Easterlings - Purveyor of exotic foods & King of Rhun


    Thank you for the compliment !! You have the time frame exactly right -- i got the turn exactly when you took Imildris as Ratzbard though this postion was done for !! Tried to hold you guys off with little 500 troop armies -- was working but you guys are sending to many now -- me Beating Bain was a surprise when i open that turn -- am Glad i had Arfanhil go out with those 500 troops almost send another character but changed it to do a challenge myself and hopefully hold him there !! 

See you guys have little light bulbs all around 1910 – so will have to try and come up with something to put a halt to that – thank God for dragons saved my capital once – hope to do so again – i will admit its a bummer playing a freep nation with enough troops to wipe out say 3 pops and losing all troops to a 500 to 1000 troop army with a dragon – has happened to me plenty of times in the past !!

Would wish you guys luck in winning but want our side to do that :slight_smile: !!


How could that be that Rotzbart thought the position was done for, he told the DS that he is the best Rhudauer player in the world, impossilbe to beat, leader in the score of allmight Rhudauer player :wink:

But even so, we are sorry, but we have to destroy you. And if the DS had not changed their attitute of transfereing MT to dommed nations you would be out too.

I promise you do not have to wait long for that now :smiley:


Dear Blue Knight,

I am very sorry to hear that you have picked up a nation that is basically dying. I do say welcome to the game. Perhaps you can take another position over for one of the other guys. I do hope that you have the same attitude as the rest of the DS team, pick on the girl she will be the weakest…you see that attitude has gotten them well nowhere. giggle

Anyway nice to meet you. Thank god Rotbart is gone. Terrible player…where do I vote against players again…smile


To the rest of you…:stuck_out_tongue:


Well here we go again…Easterlings v’s Eothraim…this is getting tedious so time to end it very soon.

Easterlings - Purveyor of exotic foods & King of Rhun

I bet the NM did’nt expect that to happen!!! An army on his 2nd capital that he will lose this turn.

Ah well time to go agressive!

Easterlings - Purveyor of exotic foods & King of Rhun

Everyone invited for a bbq at 3109, the remains of the 2nd NM capital. I see the Dwarves have already turned up so thats the entertainment secured :slight_smile:

Easterlings - Purveyor of exotic foods & King of Rhun

Hey Ian,

  Are you the only DS talking Junk??? Better yet, are any of the DS talking to you, :) , you seem to be the only one on your side, LOL


Well i’m the edmuuucated one of the DS. Talking junk is easy but getting no replies usually means i’m talking to myself and going insane…or is that sane, I can’t remember which :smiley:

Easterlings - Purveyor of exotic foods & King of Rhun

It’s getting so I can’t find a good place to eat around here anymore. Pretty soon Easterling salt fish will sound good. :slight_smile:


Hi Ian,

and I bet the Rhudauer didn´t expect his nice city to go booooom.
As you see not only the DS can hire dragons :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

And I call a foul: After four unsucessful tries Hargrog of the LR did no longer try to threaten my village, but actually used his 2000 troups to capture it. Maybe five more tries and he would have done it :smiley: :smiley:


no nO NO!!! The Easterlings do not sell salt fish…if you want figs or fine delights and wines then I can sell you some of those. Please send a small donation to my capital, say all your gold for a downpayment.

Easterlings - Purveyor of exotic foods & King of Rhun

Sorry Martin I don’t know anything about those 2 incidences. What I do know though is that the Sinda have started to unveil some of their fine cities so that all us poor DS folk can gawk over them.

Easterlings - Purveyor of exotic foods & King of Rhun