Game 64 1 Week Witch King

To add to the above to make it completely clear: The statements of who’m are potential adversaries in general, was oriented towards a seaborne assault onto Harad.
Obviously other DS besides the QA are potential assailants against Harad nations in any ME game via land and character assault.

Haradwaith: Equaly coveted by all chuckle

It must be nice to be popular! :wink:

LOL Herman

I will be away on vacation to Orlando Florida, doing the Disney thing till the 8th of September. Hopefuly I will have some limited internet access, but most likely no access to my primary ISP for regular EMail. My alternate addy is if something cant wait :slight_smile:

Ron -Harad

I remember something about them. isn’t that when you get to do the paperwork from home? :wink:

Hey Whitchypoo did you finally get your directions sorted out and get to 2405. ( mind you he wasn’t the only one lost in the woods :frowning: )

Regards Herman (Vicroy to the Woodmen and chief navigator)

Hello !!!

I wasn’t lost in the wood, it was just a pitty that so many FP armies were surrounding me in the wood, my comander got scared and tried to turn back jajajajaj

By the way, the ones whoo seem lost are your FP partners in the North, have you notice that the first pop which will be burned in the north will be 1514 (Cardolan Town Tower?) are they trying to kick me out of the north by economy? (I have so many troops …) jajajajaja :smiley:

Will dare FP to face my armies once and for all, or do I have to continue attacking them at their home ground?? are they still conspiring? You know, I was told WK gets hurt from the beginning and you know … turn 2 no FP army in Angmar pops, one DS army at Cardolan pops.

Witch King 64

PS: Tell Dwarves they are not needed in the north, they can disband their army in Zarak Dum :cool:

Hey Whitchypoo I’ll be kind and help you keep your ecconnomy in good shape by removing the burden of all those troops you need to support at 2405. I’ll do for you what I did for the Drag Queen at 2610. Hey I’m just a helpfull sort of bloke. :wink:

Regards Herman (Vicroy and chief accountant for the Woodmen)

Very Quiet all round this game, soooo what’s happening peoples?

Regards Herman (Vicroy for the Woodmen) :smiley:

Hey guys, I got back from Florida… Damn Hurricane season. No wonder the flights and Hotels are so cheap this time of year lol

Ron -Harad

Imladris 1650 g64 t4

Ive been told that the Noldo Elve Informationminister has stated: “There are no Rhudarians in Imladris. Never!”.
This is not correct. On invitation from elements in Imladris has the Rhudaurian government decided to send personal to Imladris to help the city to improve and reorganise its justicesystem and cityadministration. The plan is that when this is done will the city gain independency (unless of course the Imladrispopulance delibratly on free will in a fair vote decide an other arragement).

To be better able to aid our nabourpeople in Imladris has the Rhudaurian Government decided to join some international organisations that can offer us expertice in difrent kinds that Rhudaur currently is missing. (A sideeffect of this is that Rhudaur now is in WAR with all Free Feople)

On behalf of the Rhudaurian Government

His Excellence Spokesman Sverre, Lord of Rusten

As per most dictatorships the oppressive leadership of Rhudaur has made a massive mistake and are madly leading their people to destruction and anihlation. The Free peoples will have no option but to form the “Coalition of the willing” to free the Rhudaurian people from these misguided leaders and remove the threat of 'Weapons of mass desecration" from the “free world” and “as a result of these action this nation is now at war”. Not happy you and Dunlendings jumped together, will make the NW interesting but you had better hope the Mordorians have enough MT’s to give away because you will eventually need them. “It’s only a matter of time!” :wink:

Regards Herman (Vicroy and chief war minister of the Woodmen)

While the nation of Haradwaith recognizes and respects the actions and desires of the Rhudaur and Dunland Nations…
We hereby protest this move, as it may force our hand.
This is NOT a declaration of war one way or another. Simply a protest.

This really has a strong impact on the game. To be unbiasedly blunt: While there are good players whom I admire on the FP side, thus far the DS are proving themselves to have an upper hand. Now throw in two close Neutrals early in a region where the WK was already doling out a strong game, it quite honestly bodes poorly for the FP of game 64.

I do gravitate towards game balance, as I like games to last. But It’s not fun to feel pressured to counter the actions of other Neutrals to do so.
Quite frankly if one or two of the remaining three Neutrals go DS, IMO we are looking at a short game.

In no way do I have a crystal ball and can predict the fate of 64. It is early, and the FP can turn the initial momentum around. Anything is possible. It’s just that probability and experience leads us to consider how this event effects this game for all of us.

Decisions Decisions…

Couldnt agree with you more Ron, frankly I am heavily disappointed by the Freeps this game, in both their attempts at diplomacy and game play. It takes more than just a “hi”, to recruit someone, I asked simply for information, I wanted no inside plans just intel, I get little. Herman is the ONLY one who has come close to this.
For that matter what arena are you guys even holding? WK now has 2 allies, seems Rhun is being burnt. What of the gondors, are you guys even recruiting??? By all means if my accounting is incorrect you know my email (or do you??), and set me straight with proof
So like Ron says this is no formal declaration, but I think it comes down to game balance vs “do we punish the DS and reward the free” for their choices. guess we will wait and see…

I feel so long as the split goes 2-3 anything is possible. Personly I would love to see Mordor put under the same pressure that the NW is now under with the remaining nations going Free (Come on guys you know you want too!) That would make for some real fireworks. I will be in contact with the remaining neutrals over the weekend for info on how you are inclined to lean and what would be needed to sway you to our cuase.
" We will fight them in the forrests, we will fight them in the mountains, we will fight them on the open plains, we will not retreat and we will never surrender!" ( Well maybe not never but not for a while!)

Regards Herman (Vicroy and Minister for wartime production)

[QUOTE=Nightsbane]Couldnt agree with you more Ron, frankly I am heavily disappointed by the Freeps this game, in both their attempts at diplomacy and game play. It takes more than just a “hi”, to recruit someone, I asked simply for information, I wanted no inside plans just intel, I get little. Herman is the ONLY one who has come close to this.
For that matter what arena are you guys even holding? WK now has 2 allies, seems Rhun is being burnt. QUOTE]

Well it’s nice to know I’m nearly doing something right! :slight_smile:
The NW is still quite doable. 1907 and 1905 have gone. 2005 and 1906 go this turn and we have forces on 1806. No DS forces at 2006 or 2305. WK is vulnerable in my oppinion. Rhu will be dealing with Dwarves, Elves myself plus the Cardy and Arthy forces comming from all directions, we will eventually overwhelm him.
Dunland will cause some initial trouble with his huge army but it is facing a sizable force at 1614 and won’t get any further. He is probably the biggest thorn in our side at the moment.
Eoth has recovered from an initial setback and has taken the fight back to the front door. 3120 and 3421 have gone, 3621 and 3121 will go this turn and the force at 3221 should be able to push further into Mordor. He has good follow up levels of recruiting happenning back at the Plex so he looks good now after a shaky start.
The other areas are pretty even as far as I understand it. I will leave it to those on the other fronts to put their view of things.

Regards Herman (Vicroy of the Woodmen)


Here comes more indeed.

The way neutrals answer good Diplo and Organisation from DS is going FP?
Only Harad has more populations than Dunland and Rhudaur.
Therefore bad diplo ends with the Bigger Neutrals turning the same side.
Do you believe Harad Corsairs and Easterlings going FP would be Balanced Game?

Then why DS have spoken to all neutrals? is that a whaste of time? is that fair for those players?

How comes Big nations as Corsairs Harad and Easterlings deny themselves the right to choose?

So what you mean is, “guys you are coordinating great, comunicating great, but we are joining the other team, because you are doing it too fine?”

I just don’t understand that position.

Now we have 12 DS 10 FP 3 Neutrals
IF Harad and Corsairs and Easterlings Join FP, QA will be moved from the South. That means in one turn we could have
11 DS and 13 FP
FP increase 2 cities 12 MT and 18 towns (CO HA EA)
DS increase 3 MT 11 towns (DUN RHU)

You mean that is Balanced?
Not to say the amount of troops joined to FP in one turn (about 15.000?)

And all this for free.

You Neutrals have an historic decision if you do it as a block.
Good gaming against Balance?
What is fair and what is not?

I honestly believe you have to question yourselves this as an individual not as a block.


Richard, by the 2-3 split I was saying so long as no more than 3 neutrals join one side the game is balanced. I was not saying that all three remaining neutrals had to go free for the game to be balanced. :o
You will always have one team that is a little better at diplomacy, unfortunately this game one team is far greater at diplomacy and has already hooked two neutrals. Obviously Rhu and Dunland went to the Imperial Japanese school of diplomacy, waded in and then a day or two later announced their declaration of war! :wink:
Unfortunately for our side several of our players are severely lacking on the diplomatic front and the rest of us are fairly average as the posts from the neutrals show. At least the remaining neutrals have been kind enough to give us a kick in the pants and told us to lift our game or find ourselves on the end of a 5 zip neutral walkout. We will have to see if we can convince them we are not washed up if we are to have any hope of salvaging any sort of game.

Regards Herman (Vicroy to the Woodmen)


Was your post above only in response to Herman’s? Or did you direct it as a response to Corsairs and Harad?
If it was towards Myself and Mike; You assume too much. If not, have a nice day :slight_smile:

I do like games to last longer than 10~20 turns. Maybe in this lifetime I will see a 40ish turn game again? I do have some preferances to which side I would align with IF there were no other considerations.

Do both the FP and DS want this game to be short lived? That is a distinct consideration for the last three Neutrals to consider IN ADDITION to how well or poor diplomacy towards us has been, and the strategies played out. Will it be our sole consideration? Of course not. It’s a balancing act which just got tougher due to the early and sudden actions of two. Along with how DS and FP have been progressing.

We are questioning these things carefully, and as it was noted, the posts from Mike and I may have been utilized by others as a wake up call to one side, and a nod of accomplishement to the other. That is a result of our concern, not an intention of it.
I hope that nobody at all reads into it more than what it is. Lets not have paranoia and reading into things ruin our fun.
The bottom line is the remaining three have more to consider than just their personal inclinations. It does not mean we will go against it, it does not mean we will follow it. It’s turn 4 going into 5. There is time to consider, and time for allegiances to do what they have to do.
Thank you.

what he said

Hello One and All,

This is your Fithly Fire King saying Hello! North Gondor thanks for the Palantir. Was really cool to have a 35 agent Thump your commander whilst I rescued my mage from your unholy grip :p . What is going on with the way you guys build bridges anyway? The one down south just fell down? What a pity. Did you use the same set of plans and timber for the one at 3024? I sure hope not. After all how would you get over here for another challenge? I need more artifacts and you seem to have sooo many :p  I hope you are not sore at me for bringing a couple of friends to the party at Minas Ithil. You did say you had no use for all lands east of the Anduin right? I have gotten a date with the "While you were out cast" so let's get busy getting you out. Well once again just wanted to say thanks for the palantir and giving Ren the practice gutting goodies. Although those troops were really a bunch of wimps taking off like they did. Hey maybe South Gondor will come and save you like at 3024. But those darn bridges and you know that you can only do so much with a boat now adays. Gotta say I sure was surprised to see that you had no seed forces at home. That wasn't to good. Your only hope is to out recruit us and once that bridge drops you are gonna be bored. Oh well at least you had the pass as long as you did. See you in 3024. Don't worry I'm sure you will smell me before you see me :rolleyes: 

Enjoying myself for once,

Fellow Players,

In regards to the game balance thing, I hope the sides and undeclared will play the game and not assume that number of foes is like religion. If the Harad went one way and Dunlend and Rhudaur another that’s still pretty close. Then you don’t know who on the teams is an idiot and will drop. Just play your nations to the best of your ability and help your friends.When you can assist the team and try to be nice to the neutrals. Wait until you are beaten before quiting. As they say it is always darkest before dawn. This game can be played and won 15 v 10. I hate it when the WK is dead and the freep quit because all the neutrals went south. I started a thread about games ending too early, play the game and be beaten before you quit. You would be surprised how much you can learn playing once the chips are down. Play your nation to your fullest potention and you would be amazed. As player to player we need to take these games out longer and wait until we are beat before we even mention quiting. It is turn four. Som of us haven’t even created enough characters yet and the sky is falling? NO NO NO let’s have some fun. Rif bam boom bah bugs bunny bugs bunny rah rah rah. Oh no! there coming again. It’s the Icecream men with the big butterfly nets…Oh it’s jello time Yummy :slight_smile: