Game 66 - 1 Week!

Down to 2 players needed - D up for it? I can smell a game just about to start.


I’m a sucker, e-mail sent.

That would be 1 player needed then…


Come on Clint, join us! You know you want too!!!:smiley:

Regards Herman

No thanks, tempted but it’s too time consuming for me right now… :wink:

Grudge game, probably start a GB game with a friend I want to show the game to, and testing the process code (entire side me vs Ed & Sam) and that’s enough for the time being… :stuck_out_tongue:


What are the chances of another all neutral game? (The only way I can see myself getting a neutral! :stuck_out_tongue: ) The last one was a blast?

Regards Herman

I’d say very low. I tried to get it going before. I could try a restricted set-up all neutral game. (We did that recently with a 1000 GB game and that seems to work out - ie less players).

Find some players and I can investigate it further… :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:


I know I would play in an all-neutral game. If we have trouble finding the players then perhaps we could all take two nations?


I will be emailing some players later tonight so we can get Game #66 started, one position still left, right Clint? I would recommend anyone else to do likewise as this will be a very exciting experience!

I’d like the spot. I’m currently playing in Game 64 against Herman. This would only be my second game, but I have a good grasp on the rules.

ohhhhh boy! when do we get the turns??? in the AM?


Sorry Trajan I don’t know who you are. Please email me direct with your preferences.


Now filled


If I’m Arthedain I’m going to strangle herman.

Nahh no chance, it’s bound to be me!! :smiley:

Probably 16 of us sitting impatiently, drumming our fingers on our desks, promissing reports and projects for “Tomorrow…” as we click our Check Mail over and over and over…

LOL, I thought it was just me! Checked 5 times since 10!


I think you will find all of us are waiting on Clint to get the ball rolling. Game #66, let’s do it!!!

(Here’s hoping I get the Dragon Lord!!!)

Down with the nasty Free Peoples…:bash:

Woohoo I’m not Arthy!! :slight_smile: Looks like I get a whuppin as NGon. :eek: Come one come all to the greatest show on Earth. MEPBM 1 week, where the action is fast and furious. :wink: To our worthy Neutrals greetings and salutations you can reach me at herman@iinet,, I look forwards to corresponding with you all. To our unworthy opponents. Die screaming like the dogs you are!!! :smiley: Just kidding. Good luck to all and may our team win! :stuck_out_tongue:

Regards Herman

Looks like I’m Cardy.

Nice to be on your side this time, Herman.