And now the die is cast as the the Harad declare for the path of light and enlightenment. We shall bring the powers of both our mighty armies and our even mightier coffers to bear upon the twisted denziens of Mordor!!
(Prime target of course the decietful Dunnlendings :mad: )
Welcome Mighty Harad,
The Woodmen bid you joy as you crush the minions of Mordor.
Feel free to come and visit me at my new holiday home of Mt Gundabad, there are many sights to be seen from here. Angmar, rhudaur and squashed dunland.
Welcome to the Free Alliance Lords of Haradrim you have chosen well friend, having seen the underhanded ways of the dark side particularley the Duns, the lies and deceit, the choice must have been easy to make for noble folk such as yourself
Sorry to hear you Freeps complaing about the Duns player, but he havn’t got anythink from you and you guy’s know that he would join the same side as Rhuda did and you didn’t tread the Rhuda player well so I would say it’s you own fault that they whent DS.
Thats one way of looking at it, however we did not know that he would blindly follow the Hillbillies who had no intention of joining free this was fairley clear from a very early stage, but we persevered in trying to convince him to join us we agreed to all his ‘demands’ and when he refused/ignored the offer we knew what to expect.
The Duns never indicated that there was a problem or he had doubts until he back stabbed us, we had an agreement so we thought we wasted orders moving characters into position fror a MT transfer and an artefact if I am not mistaken one of his free neighbours sent his turn, Otis sent his.
Well it is water under the bridge my team and I certanly do not trust a player as dishonerable in futue games if he is neutral, the team are out to get him, he has only himself to blame
About the Rhuda player he gave you a fair chance to win him over but our offer and comunication to him where better it seems as he told me from turn one that he didn’t have any problem going FP.
As I probably can’t change your mind and your teams view on the duns player, but the Duns player NEVER asked for those file and to your information we HAVN’T seen them.
Khamul aka Benny
Like I said we never really had a problem with the Hillbillies, he stated his terms for joining we agreed to all but one of his terms straight off and it took us a turn to consider the last one but we eventually agreed, however he had obviously had made up his mind as he ignored the agreement, the Easterlings we also knew as they refused all approaches of communication with us from the get go, we are all experienced enough to know when we are flogging a dead horse!!!
The file was sent as an agreement was reached and pdf’s were swopped as is normal when a neutral joins a team, he was hours or days from receiving more.
I conceed that when he changed his mind that he was at pains to state that he had not shared the file, on face value I accept this my team mates may not, our issue is with the fact he broke his word, or overstated his intentions to us after all he sent us his pdf and as I stated before up to the point of severing relations with us we were not aware of a doubt/problem.
If a player cannot keep his word, how can he be trusted in the future
For the record Rhudaur acted honourably and there are absoultely no hard feelings towards him. The Duns, are I’m afraid a different matter.