Game 77 - Start

Dear Muzzy,

renaming characters is much easier than rebuilding pop centres once they are burned. It looks like you will lose plenty in the coming turns. Pathetic how you have to hide behind those wyrms to save your puny (un)lifes.

It’s kind of hard to rename your chars when they are tied up like a roast beef.

Well at least the other nations don’t squeal as bad as the Corsair commanders do :wink:

P.S. Eothraim… Isn’t that the nation whos mighty start armies have been running around burning nothing but camps for 10 turns now? :stuck_out_tongue:

Doesn’t matter much who does the burning as long as it is done :smiley:
Someone has to feed the meat grinder and I guess that is me, shame about all that blonde, unshaven, handsome young men…
And I guess the camps I burned did hurt a bit, with a sell price of 1 on most products, life must be quite meagre as a Dark Servant…
Well Harad could surely send some money - oh, he is down to three MTs, pity that… :wink: At least Rhu won’t need any more support, you’ll have to thank us for that relief… :slight_smile:

I really don’t want to know what you are doing with them, just hand them back, remember what comes around goes around, plus I need them to help plot my revenge on the harad.

That was an ugly turn down south for a number of reasons, well done. As if 2 wryms aren’t enough, you had to go and get a 3rd! Shame on you :slight_smile: Can’t we just for once have a honourable army clash? Do you really need all those curses and agents helping you out as well?


Sure, we can have a straight army fight.
Just give us the same popcenter/economic base and starting armies as you have, and we are ready to go :stuck_out_tongue:

Greetings Per,
you’ve got your dragons but we’re still playing with some of our starting-armies.

You’re doing a lot to rescue the south ( maybe too late ? ), but we have som more battle-lines.

Like Stags already claimed you were a bit lucky the last turn ( I’ll tell ya about the details 'till we’ve won the game ).

Let’s say we’ve made it a bit easier for you the last turn.

The next turn will be different !

Have Fun !


I know Harad and Corsairs prefer the gay army fight over the straight. The clothes are so much more sassy.

  • Lady Uvatha

PS. Stags: I think we will keep the agents, cursers and dragons around. We wouldn’t have you and Corsairs to win the south would we? :wink:

Mormegeil: Nice work on turning Eo around from the first player. Now we actually see troops from Eothraim besides on Eothraim pops :wink: We were surprised to see your troops @3922. Not that we wouldn’t spank you and those blonde, unshaven, handsome young men’s behind anyway. Have a bad turn :wink:

  • Jeppe

Greetings Warlady,
we haven’t had a good start into this game, but we were able to make some progress.

Have Fun !


sorry to disappoint you, but my turn was quite OK. I appreciate your compliments and can say that I have done my best to stop you complaining about me only burning camps. I hope the ruins of 3822 will speak for themselves :smiley:
pray tell, why did you attack me @ 3120 with just one army, wanted to get rid of that dragon? farted too much, did he? well, you succeeded on that, I guess :wink:
ah - and goldwine won’t get away with it, nobody spanks my blondies for free…

Greetings Jeppe,
I guess you know that we’re only doing this for your entertainment.

Some other young men, maybe not blonde, but of course unshaven, have heard about the treasures located at Mordor.

I’ve got the impression that they will come to get them.

Have Fun !



The Duns aren’t blonde, are pretty hairy, and definately want some of that treasure located in Mordor. We’ll get rid of that pesky fly, WK, and then it’s on to Mordor, where the riches lie.

He who hasn’t lost a battle and never will :smiley:

Greetings Scott,
the WK, a question of time.

Their treasuries, also a question of time.

If you won’t hurry, they might have to spend their whole treasury on their well skilled and with artis overloaded chars !

Ha, Ha !

Have Fun !


Ah! So that’s your strategy, to give us all your artefacts and hope we crush under their weight?

We never saw that coming :stuck_out_tongue:

…or in the words of John Lennon:
“Game is what happens to you while you are busy collecting arties” :wink:

Hi Per,
it wasn’t the original plan, but you’re right now this a part of the plan.

Ha, Ha !

Have Fun !


Hi Bernd

Well 3822 is annoying (an impressive lunchbox the moms of those handsome young men made them before sending them out to die in great numbers), but we are happy that you doesn’t roll over and die as the we are used to. We are thrilled about the competence of the opposition :wink:

Strange we haven’t seen anything to the twins yet?

Also annoyed about 2006 and 2535.

  • Jeppe

PS. Enion? Who is that? Never heard of him, Ren the dirty tells me it is that guy that owns the pizzaria in Barad Ungol?

well we horseboys are a hardy bunch, it usually keeps us going if somebody just waves with a sandwich, you know :wink:

2006 is about to fall? have I missed something?

twins…twins… whom are you referring to? ah, those pointy eared blokes, whats their business again? ah, supposed to be agents? could you spell that? guess we can do without that… :smiley:

Greetings Jeppe,
the twins ? Clever & Smart ?

Have Fun !


Now it is proven. You move faster falling down the slopes of Mt. Gram than climbing them. I know, it was lucky not skill :wink:

Hi Mahrcarad

Please instruct all those handsome, young, unshaved men north of Morannon about to die in great numbers, to remove any metal objects they are carrying on their person. We wouldn’t have Aivnic and Smaug to get obstipated would we?

  • Your friendly nextdoor neighboor Dendra

And it looks like Sukh Akhor was saved again. Facinating what huge lizards pulling white rabbits from tall, black hats can do :wink: And not a single FP icon on my map of southen Harad :smiley:

Haruth Raman
He that has lost all battles but is still king of flashdance