Game 80 - Clint vs Brad and Wade

cannot have him winnng now can we…Vandal

why not… :stuck_out_tongue: !!! :eek:

Clint (player)

Well I dont want to be seen having thrown my lot in with some losewrs now do I?

So they best win and do a job on you is all I can say.

You know what they say if you want a job done well, do it yourself.


No problem. I think 3 Grudge games is enough for me right now…

Maybe later uh but there’s a few opportunities.

Clint (player)

Get over yourselves boys…this one has lots of juice to run through…


Well I for one am glad to hear that so get out there and kick butt.

Oh I have a few things t keep me busy so dont think I am looking for any one on ones in the near future.

So drag it out as long as you like
