Game 81

Ooooohhh! That won’t stop us from stabbin:fork: and jabbin:bash: our way to killin your characters.

As for the arties, we will just take out one of your superagents and recollect what was lost.:wink:

Eothraim: You need some acupuncture:stab:


Duns/Rhu are being shown the door…wish you all would get your acts together and put me away already. For the love of ____ how many armies and countries and characters does it take for cryin’ out loud…

But hey at least this way my allies among the ds can do what they need to…don’t think those troops would have been better served gettin’ to mordor…really want to use that many guys to take out minor nations like mine?

What happened to the mighty corsairs? one army that got trounced by my dragons and not a word since…harad never even came up…sent an army of troops at the gap…got clobbered…and…wait for it…wait…NOTHING…

Wow is all I’m saying…if you guys think you’re “turning the tide” because you got flippin lucky and stole a couple artifacts well I think you need to look around…y’ain’t done much boyos…

jz 23/24

“What happened to the mighty corsairs?” (said jz)

Well, I’m flattered to be labelled “mighty”, but in any case I’m still sulking in the South after losing so many troops & characters to the QA dragon/walls on the first attempt to take the QA capital, even though the second succeeded :D. If you are nice to me I might come out to play again.

I also only have enough brain cells to run one nation properly (a combination of age and a fondness for the odd glass of beer or wine - make that a few glasses of beer and wine ;)) and the Sinda are getting more of my attention. Primarily because they wash more often and have better food. :smiley:

We want to make sure you are feeling loved :hug: and the best way of showing you our love is make sure nearly everyone pays you some attention :bash: Oh and believe me you will be put away as we have got our act together :woot:

Ian 4/5

New plan, new plan…i need a new plan…:omg:

Just how many dragons can Rhu think he can recruit…next wave of dragon meat on their way :woot:

Looks like it will be the WK first then Rhu and i had planned it the other way around…oh well they can’t last much longer :slap:


What you thought taking out Rhudaur would be done already? Rest assured Sunshine that there is still plenty of fight to be had in the Northwest.

By the way, I am miffed at the reception I am receiving in Haradlands. I had thought the way we spared many thousands from having to die in foreign lands that we would have been allowed just one majortown/fort as a place of rest. Instead we are the ones dying on foreign ground. Not nice at all. Ren thinks that this slight shall require further attention to make things right.

Prepare thyselves! Sauron will not be denied by the machinations of the Free. All shall wither and perish in the heat of his burning eye.

Uklurg the FlameBringer

You didn’t think my nation had gone character already did you??

Character… well maybe… but mostly Commanders :slight_smile: and all they know what to do is recruit.

My troops have been getting sea sick… sailing upto Ithil only to turn around and sail back to various NHar ports!!!

Looks like they won’t get to share in the glory of piling into mordor, but instead fight at home… well this particular wave anyway :slight_smile:

Interesting indeed… surprised to see you split the 3 armies and move on different pop centres… very surprised actually… you made yourselves no favours I think… but I won’t help with your tactics… you keep splitting. You at least get to take 1 pop centre this turn.

Oh, and how many times am I going to fail to get Ji In… I keep catching him but still only manage to get rid of guards :slight_smile: Maybe this turn…



By all means please instruct us further. Most of the troops are wearing blind folds in honor of their liege…they will be unhappy when they realize they are outnumbered and gonna get whooped. Perhaps you should have sailed on the West Gate and lost up there. Then perhaps the Gondors could make a serious attempt to get into Mordor before the game ends.

however it goes, will be glad to battle again. I would like to play with some of the freeps in this game as allies in some future endeavor. My DS brethren are tired of watching me stumble around singing old Snoop Dogg songs…
got my mind on my money and money on da dragons yea yea

( wow, that was crappy even for me lol )
all the best
the conquistadores of Haradlands

Rhudaur is not defeated. Our proud hill folk are going down swinging…keep bringing your troops…we’ll keep burning them down…

The duns were not so lucky…removed from the consequential…they fade into obscurity for now…

Have to say it’s been a learning experience playing neutrals…which is my emphasis right now…took over rhudaur but way late to do any serious coordination…and so

So come on already you guys; take out the lowly rhudaur…finish off the duns…if you can (and I wouldn’t say if IF I had any doubts really that you can’t)

jz 23 24

Dear Din-O,

Thank you very much for the gold. I suspect the postman got a tad inebriated and came to the wrong letterbox. I’ve decided to spend it on some troops who in due course will come and pay you a visit to show off their fine armour you have funded.

Thanks again

The Corsair Treasury Minister

I disagree, there is just a mopping up process to be completed. A poor turn in the Northwest for the DS last turn and this coming turn i predict. :smiley:

Ian - 4/5

Hail Buccaneer!

You Silver-Tongued Devils are welcome to the Gold, it is accursed!:fork:
All drinks are drinks after all!

Cheers Uvatha!

Hail the FP!

IC and OOC events have handed you Victory!
It has been a great game!
Nail 1: Last turn the Dog Lord went Bankrupt!
Nail 2: Dragon Lord economy on it’s last legs and Will go Bankrupt next turn.
Nail 3: The player of both the Dark Leiutenants and Cloud Lord drops.:fork:
Nail 4: Due to the sever Winter Storms in the US, 2 more players drop who control Fire King/Blind Sorceror and Rhudaur/Dunlendings.
So the Great Ship DS from T>14, turns into the Leaking Scow! DS being Rats do as the proverb goes!

See you all in another game!

Cheers Long Rider:omg:

I believe i was asked for some info on an assassination during the game.

On turn 12, Storm Shadow was a 60 pt agent with 35 stealth from the Bracers of the Mist.

Hi folks,

I can talk from work briefly as my hometown will be out of power for another 8-10 days so they say.

had to drop with four positions being blown and no real way to keep talking in email.

I will send my last resultsheets to whomever of the Freeps would like to see them. Please send any/all of yalls to

Fk would have had like 8K troops plus Lamthanc dragon @ 3024 this turn…don’t think the free would ever get in the West Gate without agents clearing the path.

anyhow, I very much enjoyed the game and learned some junk so congrats and hope to see yall again

Jerry Roberts
gm 47 #25

Sorry to hear that the DS are having to drop, it’s been a very good game thats had it’s ups and downs for the FP.

Well played everyone.


Cardy & Arth

Well played DS, Despite what many said early it turned into quite a good game.

Wyndhammer, where in MO are you? I’m about 15 min east of St. Louis. I heard southern MO got hit hard with the storms. Stay warm… :slight_smile:


We live 30 mins south of Cape Girardeau, which is about 2 hours south of st. louis

We were hit pretty hard, but a lot of people from up your way cam down and really helped get all of us back on track

Victory goes to the FP on turn 21. Well played everyone, allies and foes alike.

The DS are welcomed to email me to discuss the game.


Sorry to see the game end, it was very enjoyable. The Woodmen went bankrupt a few turns ago so things all weren’t our way in the NW even though it was looking pretty dicey for WK & Rhu.

I’d be interested in swapping xml & pdf to get a picture of the overall game. I’ll drop a couple of the DS a line to see if a mass swap can be arranged.

(Corsairs & Sinda)