Speaking of Off Roading, you should try an ATV through the swamp, one of a couple of things I like about Florida, LOL
I know who “Catshavepaws” really is, but I’ll never tell!
Would be still of some interest, but as long as the “cat” is buried in it’s litter-pan… I can wait!
Have Fun!
Yeah, no sense pondering which one of you is the “cat” when you have more pressing issues at hand, LIKE US, LOL
Gees, take a couple of days away from the forum, and–whew, all poo-poo breaks loose.
I’m just a poor southern, all this talk about if you win you lose, it’s just confusing. I feel I will do what I have always done…kill, and kill again. I’ll let the team captain worry about the win thingy.
Can’t be more southern then me, unless you live in Key West, LOL
All bow to the southern most southerner. He drives ATV’s in the swamp. I won’t tell you what I’m driving up here in Canada, vehicular or form of water, you likely won’t understand it beyond starting with a little pink umbrella and referring you to primary school. Not sure who’s the more manly out of all that.
Unless we’re brilliantly alluding to in game strategy, then I salute you on your Umbar symbolism. But I doubt it.
I’m originally from NYC, LOL moved down here due to my ol’ ladies condition,
And I was here assuming it was because of the local gun control reg’s…I’m always a little skeptical, being a fearful, wimpy Canadian, about Americans and their choice of residence. 'Course, in Fla, it’s easy enough to cut into a bad political discussion, so I’ll defer instead to: “Ignorant Free! You can’t hide forever! You pathetic Dunedan-bastard swine and your Elfish overlords shall be vanguished, extinguised, and all around trounced! Feel the Wrath of Sauron!”
the Dark
Don’t sound to “wimpy” now, do you???LOL
The cat says Thanks for Goblin Gate,
So far you haven’t taken anything around Mirkwood and South Harad looks to be in bad shape. PuuuRRRR fect :fork:
I tawt I taw a putty kat,
Looks like the litter-pan released the cat!
… although it has dreamed so lovely about future heroic deeds…
Dream on pussycat!
Will be the only thing left for you!
Have Fun!
Really quiet in the Elven-woods.
Perhaps we’re fighting harder than expected?
Flat line?
We will see.
Your right, you do have to fight harder to beat us,
Wait and see and be amazed!
It was your team that talked about your victory from the first turn on.
Not me!-
Well most of the planned things haven’t happened like planned.
So it was a good turn for your team.
… but I think that we won’t be so unlucky again next turn!
Have Fun!
… would mean some of your nations will have the one or other problem!
The population of Osgiliath like cats and won’t bow to the Fire King Dogs
The QAv cav won’t be enough to stop the destruction of South Harad :bash:
At least we know where the Rhu and WiK troops have gone 'cos they ain’t defending their home lands
Whilst the WiK & Rhu are away the cat will play
The cat
I’m amazed you think we’re going to chase down those cav armies in arthie turf,