Hey, don’t worry, we’ll let you play us again,
I notice it’s all gone quiet on the DS side.
Perhaps they are too busy planning where to relocate Rhu to
Umbar dude…
Umbar??? Then where after that???
Umbar. Not Harad, Umbar. Good to see my enemy knows the map. :rolleyes:
That’s my point, LOL
Elton John’s “I’m still standing” tour at Osgiliath runs for another 2 weeks
Rumours are that Dido will also appear to do a number “No White flag above this door”
Shogmog and Uklurg have also said that they will perform the Sauron version of “Dancing Queen” :eek:
The word on the street is Sauron is none too pleased with Ren and he will be more than Unclean :fork:
The Cat
What’s Up Gix?
has the Cat got your tongue
The Cat
A couple of our allies are jumping out of heli…things they can’t talk about in Afg…places they’ve never been… We’ll get back to you when they’re extended shopping trips have run their nature credit-limit course and we get a more complete map to purview. 2 weeks, puh-leeze, wake us again on the 16th…
Me thinks the DS are either too busy to respond because they are all at the Osgilliath concert, or they are argueing over the terms of their surrender
Puurrrr fect
The Cat
That sounds like the noise a smelly hound makes. :bash:
Always knew the DS were silly mutts
The Puurrr fect Cat
Thanks for the flowers, kitty.
… but also mutts have teeth and are able to bite.
Have Fun!
Does get boring when you have nothing to look forward to,
…and they also smell each others butts,
… as long as I don’t have to clean the cat’s litter-pan, it’s okay!
I have my Chihuahua using the liter box, LOL
Chihuahua’s aren’t dogs, tripping hazards at best!
Another dead Sinda!
Won’t be the only one I guess!