Game 92 Gunboat Ends on turn 10?

I must admit the reveal at 2514 had me concerned… Becuase Drl was on 2514 on that turn… But since I had sold out to leave 2405 uprotected early i hyad to move towards 2405 and plan for 2305… So that part was very effective… 2609 was a nuisance being revealed… but increased Dragolord options if he took 2711… The only reason he couldn’t the siege on turn 3 of 2715 cost him 400 necessary to take it the first turn he arrived… By then being able ti hire 400 at 2711 and bring troops from my capitol sealed Dragonlords fate… Or eventual fate had it go on.

So really you Helped Dragonlord emensely.

BTW when WM attacked 2715 I had 1400 HI facing 100 whatever so Alot starting troops died beside the com… Becuase in my view It was critical to limit Dragonlord recruitment to just 400 HI at 2514 at the time.

Yep, helping the DrgLord immensely was the idea; perhaps even Rhudaur if I were able to pull enough Dwarven troops to the east that may have otherwise been committed to the west. I had hoped to send Bulraker to 2711 too on Turn 4, and together w/DrgLord put the hurt on WM, which could indirectly then help the WK, etc. If 2711 could have been taken, it is quite likely I (DogL) would have then retreated out of the woods altogether anyhow … too hard to operate effectively while blind there.

However, the clarion call of Ithil Pass was too dire on turn 3. So, after setting up a subcommander to take over at 2514, Bulraker made an immediate retreat. But as all can tell, it was too late to do the good needed.

On a totally different topic, I suspect NGondor is the strongest nation in a gunboat game, and doubly so when teamed with Dunland. The massive recruiting the kingdom has coupled with the ability to throw up Dunnish timber-produced bridges on a moment’s notice is an awesome power that an uncoordinated Mordor has trouble countering.

But seeing this, Mordor’s number 1 priority has to be to throw NG over on the other side of Anduin.
Then FK can set up at Oz and IK can sabotage bridge every turn or so…

Not crying about imbalance, but I think the FP gets the best of GB’s, due to numerous things. Namely that they have individual strong starting armies, that can take out a DS nation, without help from another FP nation.
So DS can’t really afford to make alternative strategies, as they can cost the life of one of their allies.

None of the timber came from Dunland.
I just raised my taxes to 60% on turn 3 and bought whatever I needed. I also put down a bunch of camps and so had enough timber production (+1200 or so by turn 10) to make a bridge on my own every several turns. Dunland threw everything he had at Rhudaur to try to push him over the edge, assuming that Cardolan, Arthedain, and the Dwarves hit him.

I personally think that Southern Gondor is the strongest nation in Gunboat… at least until the Dark Servant economies get going and the dragons come into play.

I didn’t give the NG any timber at all – actually the timber production of the Duns was lousy in this game – the Mount production is what I got lucky on – My pops where producing almost 500 mounts a turn – was why I kept cranking out and sending HC armies towards Rhudaur !!

i was wondering who knocked out the fort… It’s rather humerous becuase I let WK off the hook a turn becuase the army commander was there with enought to take 2305 the turn you sabotaged it… But Me being a knucklehead did change the army commanders order to capture. So you saved some HC and HI from it…

Inetersting sidenote… WM mount production was over 200 per turn so every other turn I could recruit 400 HC in leather armor this was sole reason I could justify not hiring or moving an army to 2405 and the 2409 garrison clearing on turn 1… Wm playing as military muscle or the 7th calvary role is rather unusual.

As for FP being stronger in gunboats is hard for me to say… I believe though if you play for long game in every game it really doesn’t matter… If you also grasp every nation pair can become self reliant economically DS could also be be extremely succesful… You simply cannot play DS like open or grudge games you must Play OLD School!