Game 92 "Welcome to the Jungle"

Nathan of the Northmen…

Did you get the opportunity to kill any of the diplomats of the Easterlings that were in your nation, or just that one army commander?
Man, with all these dark servant deaths going around, its just so hard to keep things strait. Hey lets get a roster going, how many of us free people have been killed vs. how many dark servants have been killed. Maybe we can get some kind of gambling pool together? Of course we they are going to have a handicap or something, oh well we will get it figured out. Anyone care to do the numbers.

Hey DS, why don’t you send some 20 agents out to kill us. lol. maybe they will have better luck…there is such thing as begginers luck after all.

We the FREE men of Umbar being of the blood of the Sea Kings of old will join our cousins in war upon Sauron and his toadies.No more will we lulled into sluggishness and innaction by your honeyed words our time is here yours is past.Our noble allies the Harad have pledged their support in this war to free all people and much praise and thanks go to them for their freindship and loyalty it shall not be forgotten.

Corsairs #92
Noldo #76
Dwarves #76
Adventes Fortuna Juvat

Greetings South Gondor,

It is quite amazing that your people have not risen in rebellion against your dubious leadership, what with the flower of South Gondor’s army lying dead in a dark mountain pass, far from home, with so little to show for so much loss.

In any case, my hardened, victorious warriors look forward to teaching more gondorian recruits the cruel lessons of war. It is unfortunate that no unbiased press corps exists, as I am sure the image of a young gondorian prisoner serving as a slave-concubine to an orc chief would greatly reduce the military enthusiasm of the youth of South Gondor…

  • Fire King

ooc: I regret I can’t participate in the taunting on a more regular basis, but my access to the web is generally limited to work.

Why bother giving notice, when you have already attacked in such a treacherous, cowardly fashion?

The amusing thing is that if such perfidious acts had been committed against your nation prior to declaring, you would spend the remainder of the war whining like a spoiled brat…

Fire King

By the bitter tone of that it almost sounds as if you have given up…just like
Rhudaur and the Witch King. I agree you dont stand a chance, you may as well quit. Everyone will understand it with such an unfair neutral split and all -there is no shame in quiting…just do it :smiley:

Nah, I’d rather go down fighting than give up… a bloody end is much more exciting! <grin>

Anyway, that’s really not an issue at the moment, as there are other things to consider… such as the fate of yet another gondorian army that has strayed into my territory. I believe my warriors will have a clear preference: DEATH!

  • Fire King


City officials from the town of Lest released that the local hero, Commander Elfhelm, died last night. Commander Elfhelm, 24, was the captain of a crack regiment of cavalry that was disbanded last week due to losses sustained during the defense of that fair city.

Police are still questioning witnesses, but it has been reported that CDR Elfhelm was attempting to help the local constabulary by investigating a suspicious character rumored to be affiliated with the outlaw nation, The Dog Lord. Eyewitnesses on the scene describe a terrible ambush that was apparently well concieved and carried out.

Police have no suspects in custody at the time of reporting, although it is believed that certain subversive groups, known as the Slobbering Puppies, and the Lonely Carriage Riders are sought for questioning in relation to this case.

City prosecuters vow justice, while governmental representatives hint that the “full force that can be brought to bear shall be, in this case, if no other.”

This has been a NCBN special report
(Northmen Confederacy Broadcasting Network)


Hey DS type evil dudes, what gives? Witchypoo finally gets an army onto a pop and then … fails to give it any orders. Did he drop? Did he get SS’ed or has he busted? Please do tell I’m rather bemused by it all. Let’s face it I’ve only taken three pops off him, he isn’t that badly hurt yet surely? Maybe if he kept his troops on the home front I wouldn’t be able to steal them from him so easily.

Regards Herman

Fire King. I think you are missing the point. Also you might want to check your troop streangth. The war is being fought on YOUR popcenters. My people are perfectly happy that they don’t have to defend there own towns, villages, and farms from your horrible gutless stench. You on the other hand are fighting a defensive battle with waining troops, lack of properly trained and equiped reenforcements, and no decent agent support. Unless of course this is all just some kind of ruse to lull my northern bretheren into some kind of elaborate trap?

Your allies in Mordor are doing nothing to break out onto the plains to ravage us because they have to keep sending troops to pull your butt out of the fire. The Easterlings are getting hammered and loosing towns left and right and MY Allies to the south are sitting on your sweethearts Capital and Major Town.

I will continue to send my troops to the grinder. I will continue to attack you relentlessly and I will spit into the empty eye sockets of your skull when I am done.

Oh and Have A Nice Day!

P.S. Thanks for taunting.

My Gondorian Opponents,

Yet another victory for the Dark in the bloody Ithil Pass. This one was barely even a fight - soft, woefully equipped men being trampled underfoot by my hardened trolls. One of my chieftains gained much glory by personally capturing the leader of this wretched band during battle. I’m sure Alandur will provide my warriors with much amusement before he expires…

Fire King

From: Nortmen Security Minister
To: LD’s Gaerandil, Eoder, Odagavia
Date/Time: {Censored Due to Ntnl Sec. Iss.}

Re: Easterling Recruitment Policies


It is my duty to inform you that upon a perusal of the two towns that surrendered their allegience to the oppression of the twice damned Easterling nation that my operatives turned up some rather intriguing information.

It would appear that, not only were the people on hand to help overthrow their treacherous government, but there has also been some “Black Market Recruiting” for lack of a better phrase. According to my sources, there have been people lining up to enlist in our armies for the week prior to our arrival and subsequent liberation of said population centres.

So overcome were they in their attempts to assist us, the towns grain silo’s were lit, apparently as some kind of signal that the all was clear. The resultin explosions levelled several city blocks, and the rebuilding will cost in the tens of thousands of gold.

It is my opinion that we should exercise extreme caution when recruiting from these new provinces of ours. Such stupidity could prove to be contagious.

Additionally, if this is a fair example of their recruiting base, I do not believe that there will be much to fear in placing an army in the back door of Mordor. Surely every regiment deserves light duty from time to time.

Your faithful servant,
{Censored Due to Ntnl Sec. Iss.}

My Lord the Mighty Argeleb II, is again master of Angmar :smiley: well will be very shortly anyhow. So what went wrong naughty evil DS types? The battle for the NW is all but over on T#10 with both Whitchypoo and Rhuboy down and just about out for the count. I hope you both have some lodgings to retire to in Mordor, you will need them very shortly. :eek:

Regards Herman (Scribe and Vicroy to Argeleb II)

Greetings Prince Pelendur

Subject: Rhuadar!

He has massive forces defending his capital but these forces will be drastically reduced within a fortnight! Follow up forces should end his presence in Eriador. The Dunedain will rule uncontested again in the north!

I will send word to Argeleb! Have the discussions of a reunited Arnor bore fruit?

Warmest regards,

<Excerpt from local gossip radio show “Jillien and Grock”>

J. “…And what was it that is with those Easterlings, anyway?”

G. “Ugh, you right. Me no know. How pay for ponies…mmmmmmmmm ponies…when no have people pay taxes?”

J. “Exactally. That’s exactally my point! But, then again, perhaps that would explain their rush to throw away their cavalry armies as quickly as possible.”

G. “Not only pony riders in Rhun, Gil. Mmmmmmm, ponies.”

J. “Keep it together for a moment, Grock. But you make a good point. The Long Rider is traditionally a cavalry based military as well. I guess it must have been a big setback losing their opening army to an elf.”

G. “Mmmmmmmm, elves AND ponies….”

J. “Tom? Tom! Get this filthy orc out of my booth!”

G. “Not filthy! Bathe last month!”

T. “What’s wrong now Jillien?”

J. “He’s gnawing on the furniture! Get him out of here and feed him before he decides that I look like breakfast!”

G. “Mmmmmmmm, elves, ponies, AND Jillien….”

J. “OH MY GOD!..”

T. “Grock? Grock, NO! Bad Grock! Put the nice lady’s leg down! Now!”

G. “But, me hungry!”

<The program was taken off the air shortly thereafter.>

I heard of that program. Apparently it wasn’t too big a hit in mordor though. complaints from listeners about the radio show making them look stupid and such.

So how bout them easterlings. Hear there up there with the quiet avenger. You know, speaking of quiet avengers, She seems really really quiet, but not much avengering being done. Any help comming from the Mordor allies…or perhaps the blind sorcerer couldn’t find the door and the ice king got stuck when he wet himself and got frozen in place. Cloud Lord is taking his name seriousely, seeing as how all his agents have there heads in the clouds and the dog lords doing nothing but sniffing around peoples backsides.


Carn Dum falls without so much as a whimper, hell they threw open the gates and let us in. Come on guys wheres that Do or Die spirit, or is it already dead?

Regards Herman Liberator of Angmar.

Hey Herman,

I think this game is over. Half our remaining DS players dropped the night before the turn was due (thanks guys… :mad:).

It was my very first game of ME-PBM, and I really enjoyed playing the Fire King. However, it was a rocky ride:

a. Both IK and BS dropped on turn 3 for dubious reasons (IK basically because his play sucked)

b. The WK stopped communicating after turn 5, and stopped submitted orders sometime around turn 7. We only found out he was MIA after a few staled turns.

c. The CL never joined our yahoo group, and pretty much played his own game.

All summed up, one word comes to mind: ugly!

It wasn’t all bad - I did have some good teammates who really helped me learn the game. Of course, having the opportunity to kill tens of thousands of NG/SG troops was quite satisfying in its own way… :wink:

Anyway, congrats to the Free on their victory. I’m definitely looking forward to the next contest.

  • Keith

sorry to hear about the troubles. It can really suck when you get players that pack it in once the going gets tough. I love a challenge though and have played nations down to the point of 4-5 characters and 2-3 pop centers just to keep doing my bit for the team.
To the DS that fought the good fight and have seen it through to the end, We salute you,:cool: you are mighty and worthy enemies.:smiley:
To the rest of the DS clowns that bailed without good reason, :mad: you guys blow and suck at the same time. :eek: I hope never to have such poor allies as yourselves.

Regards Herman (Restored Rightfull owner of Angmar)

Thanks for the game.
Have the remaining DS informed MEPBM of your descision, so we wont have to run the last turn

Fire King,

My hat is off to you. You defended that pass quite well. I was wondering why you guys didn’t take Ithil last turn. Guess I have my answer now ehh. I had alot of fun and I hope you did also.

Quiet Avender, Also good game play, had an enjoyable game and best wishes to you games in the future.

For the rest of you DS, YOU SUCK.

Ohhh and Rhudar, next time don’t be so blatant in your dealings with the DS, most people don’t take backstabbing too well.

Anyways all, good game. See you around.