From what I can tell of this thread, there is a feeling (somewhat widely held, it appears) that there are too many drops, too early. Clint has indicated that real life catches up with most of these folks and they do not have time (which can happen to us all), and that is the largest reason for the drops.
I am curious, however, about a few things. First, are there more games running than there used to be? If so, could we be seeing more drops just because there are that many more games? Second, are the drops in particular nations, such as 1650 Woodmen, which can be a suicide mission if the Sinda player is a moron? Third, how many people actually care about the ranking system, enough that penalizing them would somehow discourage these early drops?
No offense meant, but this is a game, for fun and enjoyment. Comparing it to Europe in '41 is not exactly a fair comparison. The Brits fought Germany because they had to do so, while I play dwarves because I like to do so. Before there is a push to add a penalty to the ranking in the hopes that this fixes the “early drops”, maybe we should gather information from each player as to why he/she dropped the nation. My last two drops have been because my team captain was in too many games and was not leading well, making my nation a fools errand (and me the fool for spending money on it), and the other was because some of my team, myself icluded, was unable to find comon ground of understanding with a player who controled two nations very important to our allegiance. Without unified TEAM play, a person can find the game very unenjoyable and a waste of money, even if they were lucky and drew the Noldor. I respect the player for standing by his play style, but I decided that he would enjoy the game more without me, so I dropped my nation. I’m sure this has happened more than once, to more than just myself.
Regarding penalizing someone for that type of situation, the loss of 100 points on a score that does not really represent if I’m a good player or not is of no consequence to me. The scores focus on your ranking at the end of the game, not at points during the game such as at turn 10, 15, 20 etc. And neither are they on how many pops you had or how much you contributed to your team’s victory. There are those that argue that the nation victory conditions are this representation, but we all know that those are not useful or realistic and few people actually focus on them.
I’ve run strong Dwarves, Arthedain, Cardo, and Silvans (all top-three scores at/above 1600+), only to see a team loss. The current ranking system seems better for teams only, and not for independent players, IMHO. If all it costs me is 100 points of player rank that really don’t represent how well I play, then go ahead and charge me for them. I’ll drop a game that is no longer fun (the point of playing) and start up another game, which we all want to do regularly anyway when a new idea for an opening move strikes us. Its my money and my fun (and hopefully the fun of my teammates also). If I find a team captain who is a good leader and does not bite off more than he can chew, I’m more likely to stay on. If, however, the team is leaderless or the leaders are selfish, it is my right as a customer to find a new game.
I, too, would like to find a way to discourage early drops, but we need to find out more as to why they ocurr because one solution will not fix all. And in the case of ranking, I don’t care what my score is - I’ve dropped or lost every game I’ve been in, but I’ve had much fun in all but one of those games. There will be no single “magic bullit” to fix this problem, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to improve our hobby.
I suggest finding out (via polling) why people drop, and see if we can eliminate the top 3 problems with three fixes.
Thank you for the opportunity to express,