Gm 46 Circa 1000

We are a simple alliance of like-minded people. We want to enjoy peace and prosperity as much as any other people. We will do what we must to prosper; surely you can understand that desire.

You have the mountains to live under dwarves! Leave the daylight and the forest to those who can enjoy them.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Forget the sound of trees…

Brigand Alliance

Well, my first look at the forum. doesn’t look like a lot of talk went on here. unfortunate that the free are already throwing in the towel after ONLY 7 sets of orders? what a waste!

this game is far from over and it is just a shame that so many arent willing to stick it out and TRY to win. only one Free nation was in trouble and the Free were likely going to get 4 of the 7 neutrals.

Oh well…R2 (Unnamed)
imperians (at) yahoo dot com


But the free nations must have seen the writing on the wall behind the fat lady singing (Nadine was her name)…

Perhaps it was just good sense…

Adios folks,

Brigand Alliance

Games that end like this one did are most unsatisfying. The only thing worse than an incompetent ally is an incompetent enemy!

final turn has been processed; the remaining 4 neutrals flipped DS to end the game. The failure of the Free People team was apparently not entreating the neutrals to their side. The Roberts Brothers brought heavy cavalry against the North Mirkwood Freep who used heavy infantry against us. Three on one was going to be a tall order to combat and the arrival of help from his allies was not enough to stem the tide. Further incursions by the Midget Emperor were interesting but not seriously considered a threat. The agents employed by the Free against the Unnamed really was the shining moment for the Free as it kept something close to 2000 heavy cavalry from being recruited and proved to be a true pain in the arse. As for my nation the Zhentilar I lost one village to 525 and that was that. I was a little short on characters but troopage was recruited every turn and I had good success at camping.
The decision of the Free not to recruit neutrals was flawed and was reportedly hostile so that the neutrals not already DS did not want to help the Free in their plight. I don’t honestly think the Free were in as dire straits as they perceived but when the momentum is not in your favor I can understand the negative implications.
my turn is available to anyone who would like to share. Best of luck to all and see you in another game. I hope we can get to turn 10 this time. The real game begins when the emmies stop camping…

The Brigand Alliance was run by another of the Roberts clan…

We did well in NMirkwood also by our own accounts…from the Northern Wastes. I was down in characters also but the emphasis on HC production warranted keeping more commanders in the field.

I thought it was going to get interesting with the SK moving into the former lands of the Vudd Azanul…who was basically left to wither in my opinion but it was also a bad draw of neutrals and DS around him…the neutrals didn’t intervene and that was just the same as helping the DS as they could have really immediately stemmed the tide (possibly).

Anyway it sucks that 8 turns is all we got in but I rarely see games go into the 20 turns range anymore…

I SSd the final turn to save funds but i’m happy to swap with folks as asked. Sadly, I will not be in gm 47 b/c I have started a new job in St. Louis and I’m just too busy for the next several months.

till we cross paths again,

Jz the Brigand Alliance
Jason M Roberts

Hello to all,

It’s a pitty that the game did not occur as expected. I had high hopes for this game, both teams looked very good.

Unfortunately we failed to collect even a single neutral to our side. I thought that after the declaration of NK and the attack of the Keenes against Rhudaur the idea of the neutral alliance would crumble and Nadine’s team would join the Free Peoples.

That’s not what happened, we received only a promise of possible change on turn 10 but only if they notice a change in our attitude. It was clear to us that even if they do ally to us, in turn 10 would be too late to resist the force of the Dark Servants coordinated with Gurgel and the Keenes.

I want to exchange turns if anyone is interested.


Oh, yes. The game was very interesting. The two teams were very balanced and with very good players on either side, which is rare. I was enjoying playing my position (Rohan).

But as Lucio spoke, there was no way out to win the game against a full coordianated alliance with a kingdom and two of the best neutrals early on, while not having any neutral, and a neutral alliance that didn’t want to enter our team. Only MAYBE by turn 10 to 12 would they join the FP, if they didn’t want to end the game early and easily (something they were undecided about).

We tried to talk the neutrals out of the nonsense of neutral team, but it didn’t work out.

So, I hope the DS comprehend our dilema.