gm 5

Dear Various People of Gondor,

What happened? The fat girl goes from threatening to bang my head against my own capital’s gates to… BURNING A FEW CAMPS? FYI, it looks like you’ll have a long road ahead through the pass to come and visit me. By that I mean by retaking Minas Ithil AND Osgiliath… BOTH of which will probably fall in the comming weeks! Don’t dispair though. I have infact been banging my head quite often lately… on the ground from falling over with laughter! I’m sure these “spells of giddiness” will worsen when I’m watching you ranks die en masse against walls that were once thier own.

And where did all the “mighty armies of the free” wander off to anyway? Oh, that’s right… they’re stuck on ships in the middle of nowhere, or were split up into nothingness.

Kudos on a great first turn in and around the pass though! I hope the strategy the Free has formed revolves around the loss of NG in few months.

Keep up the fire,
Ren the Unclean

yada, yada, yada…

take 3124, its right next to your capitol. just don’t buy a post office box, you won’t be there long. of course, i’m not there defending it, so talk it up. i’m just getting comfortable at 3123/ 3126.
advise the ice king his massive rabble are no match for hc in the plains. just cause hes there, doesn’t mean hes taking it. the best thing that happen to you was the harad. but luck runs out, or even better for me, turns.
see you next turn.


a mutual defence pact!
Any hostile act against one of them will have the declaration of war against the attacker from both of them as consequence.
This stands until further notice.
Signed:Da skull and Harad

i always enjoy when the side with the weak hand tries to demand terms. the harad is in the weaker position both at sea, and lacks any command presence in the north to defend himself at all. so, whats the price you’ll pay not to lose all of northern harad. just strapped yourself to a nation staring at the destruction of half his homeland. thats what the table stakes are here. what, you’ll go evil. so what. your side might win, but your nation sure won’t place top 3. and it will be a lot of fun. which is why we are here, right? exactly why should your neutrality be respected when you wander into a war zone, and interfere in our ability to fight this war. neutral people get killed all the time in wars, collateral damage.
define hostile act. blocking access to the anduin isn’t a friendly act. denying gondor desperately need reinforcements is a hostile act, and will cost me in terms of commanders, troops pop centers and revenue. i’ll go out on a limb and state theres few s gondor heros sitting on the banks of the river anduin. currently pondering the location of the fleets they moved joined, as they skim stones across the water. so if theres an aggrieved party here, its the gondors. you boys parked your car, and blocked my driveway. don’t act threatened. lets pretend the avenger blocked you inside the bay, then declared any aggression vs the avenger is an attack on the evil side. kinda what we have here.
i’d hate to see no combat occur, and one of you downgrade us.spell #404 cast by either of the s gondor mages, or the newly hired n gondor mage. downgrade with either gondor equals war, i expect you to feel the same way. i have no issue with blowing the bridges, and conducting a naval war vs you guys. love sea battles anyway. its a non team game, i can always join another. exactly how does the harad plan on downgrading with a handful of 30 point commanders anyway? gotta hire commanders, to move to the north, to raise troops, to defend against the millions of s gondor marines landing in his undefended fat, rich pop centers.
familiar with his setup? he has 1 commander in the north, in charge of 1 fleet carrying 1 army, which wandered into the path of, lets call it politely, an overwhelming force. if there was a dream scenario of invading n harad, how would it differ from our present position. i’m 100 uncertain you didn’t tell any of the fleet sizes or commander names to evil side. actually, i’ll wager the bad guys now know that info. that would certainly be an act of war, trading info our dispositions to our enemies. wait, is this part somebody states where neutrals get the pick the time and place of declaring there allegaince. the allied nations just sit around, batter themselves fighting the war, and wait for the neutral hammer to fall? if you ain’t my ally, then your a possible enemy. do i wait for you get stronger, risk you not joining my side, or kill you when your weakest? of course, the harad naval block could also be planned, as everybody knows the s gondor rushes to defend n gondor. gotta tell ya, not feeling like anything but the victim of you guys working with the evils in this here situation. not too happy about it either. certainly in a position to do something about it. still looking for the post where the harad says, sorry, not gonna attack you. instead, get mailed a threat of " attack one of us, and you attack both us." your 10 rowboats and 1200 guys blocked the single most powerful army in the game from reaching its destination. theyaren’t need at thatdestination anymore, and there a series of nice soft targets but a few hexes away. the only way you can with 100% certainity thwart an attack, is to turn free. yeah, that reads like a solution that gains us something, to replace the ground, blood and time lost by your actions. maybe all this is just to justify our attack on you to the other neutrals. i eagerly await your response, probably better in private. just sent one to the sailors. either way, next turn is certainly gonna be a lot of fun.


i really liked the 10 rowboats and 1200 guys line. i crack myself up.
drop me a line, either we can work this out, or we can fight. everybody wants to play june 6, 1944 in mepbm.


Blimey! If I’d known it was that easy to destroy both the Harad and Corsairs without dropping North Gondor in it I’d have played South Gondor more often!!!

nah, its not…

but the circumstances make for fun conversation, and you do have to admit, having the only harad force in north at your mercy can lead to thougths.
you playing in this game? if so what spot? been while since we played. taking down either nation isnt easy. heck, taking down any nation isnt easy. sometimes the stars line up.


Mean ol Harad made baby Gond cry. O wa!! O wa!! Harad has nothing to worry about. For those like S.Gond that shout the most have the least. Sure Harad may lose one or two pc’s. This Harad can weather very easly. For Harad’s pockets overflow with gold. In turn the Free lose N.Gond and all neut’s to the Darkside. Game end for the Free. At this point S.Gond better make nice or look even more the fool. Really S.Gond can’t even plot a safe corse. Harad did have all ship warning lights on.

Putting in my two cents even though I am not in the game.

If you are playing Harad as a neutral, and you intercept Southern Gondor when it is obviuos what he is going to do on turn one, then that is a declaration of war. If you don’t see that, and all five neutrals go evil, then you are correct the game will most likely be over.

Since I am not in the game, I could care less what happens, but it is not very hard to have the Harad fleet wait a few movement points then move out. Yes, this will prevent you from getting to your capitol on turn one, but as a neutral, you can afford to wait one turn.

If you don’t think Southern Gondor is headed for Osgiliath on turn one, then I can only hope we don’t play as teamates in future games.

Tim Huiatt

In response to smuller’s little diatribe…

B*tch, whine and complain!

You… AND YOU ALONE… came on to this forum full of bravado and you, along with the free team as a whole, have failed to back it up! You have made poor command decisions. You have failed to competently judge not only the coordination of the DS (due to our lack of presence on this forum…BTW… you’re welcome), but the nuetrals as well… and utterlty botched your initial battle plan! You now are engaging in a face-saving campaign with the hope that by blaming everything on the neutrals, you will in the end be free from blame.

Sorry Homeslice, but the worm don’t turn that way!

a) i’m not your homeslice( i dont even know what that means). i avoid worms. be original.
b) what are you talking about. oh, your little pile at 3124? please. take your lite infantry and archers and play. see you at 3024 next turn ace.
c) unless your planning on dropping, your the only guy calling the game over. what blame? oh the harad pinning the s gondor. awful inspired defense of the harad. you working together?
d) i didnt realize you had knowedge of my command decisions. so far you moved 1 hex west, i am in awe of that move. i had hoped you would not move, maybe retire you troops, sing love songs, and take a bath. but you moved into 3124. staggering original move. i shudder at the genius of it all.
e) if you have seen my face, you’dsee it needs all the saving it can get.
f) its neutrals… not nuetrals.
g) misjudge the evil coordination. not to confuse you with facts, but exactly was misjudged? you worked as a team. again, staggering. here i was thinking you were all gonna move to each other capitols, and challenge each other.
h) as for “blaming everything on nuetrals.” please read, then comprehend, then respond. i do blame the harad for blocking the s gondor. only the harad.
wheres the plural? oh, the corsairs joining to protect the harad. why does the harad need protection, unless he did something wrong? humh, that could be, blocking the s gondor fleet.
its a long game. its easy to run to your unclean gums when theres a lot of gondor troops not in your grill( slang for face, homeslice?) this turn. maybe it was an accident, probably it wasn’t.

did somebody actually type the harad would lose 1 or 2 pop centers if s gondor attacked. interesting sentence, not grounded in fact. either way, the muds flyin’, tempers flaring, ill will growing and passions stirred. next turn should be fun. all in all, excellent discussion. game on.

dennis, “its all about entertainment.” thanks for helping me kill some time at work.


first, who are you? love the response with no position. profile in courage
second, one or two pc’s. right…you should read the harad setup.
third, all neutrals to darkside. go ahead. game end for free. no, actually game end for everybody. wasn’t that fun.
four: why make nice. its s gondor’s call, hes got the upper hand
five: harad can’t plot safe course. hes outgunned, and need the corsairs to bail him out. he can’t even downgrade with reliablity to defend himself.
six: if you think your opinion matters, your way self involved.
seven: i’m actually the n gondor. s gondor is a big boy, he’ll make his decison, and the game will continue. thats probably the best part of this whole thing.
eight: yeah, i’m pretty certain those ship lights make nice aiming points. won’t it be grand if s gondor doesn’t attack. then all this was for nothing, but entertainment. wait, thats why we are here.
you guys are so easy. its a game. stop thinking in real world terms. all 5 neutrals go evil, and what, the game ends. wow, i’ll lose sleep over that. this mepbm game ended on turn 2 or 12 or 22, with a win or loss. hey clint, heres $25.00, lets play again. the southern neutrals go evil, and invade n gondor. it would be fun trying to repel such an invasion. if they won, i dont think haruth raman is gonna come to life and claim my home. if i won, that be pretty cool, as i have tried it before.


vandel won in 6 turns a 12 vs 12 against me. my family and job were still there the next day. a brusied ego heals real fast. its a game fellas, at least the board is active now.

I see why you guys are doing so well. He introduced himself much earlier on, in this thread, actually.

And just so you know, I wasn’t even able to get in touch with the Harad until about Wednesday. I do like your strategy, though. Maybe you’re our new MVP. But, I’ll let you get back to your sabre-rattling.



    If I were to let every pompus blowhard in this game get on my nerves I probably would have stopped playing long ago.You do not bother me since I know you have more pressing matters to deal with over the next few turns this is just your way of .I plan on taking a long time to decide which side to join since one of my primary criteion for joining a team is seeing which side has the balls to stay in the game regardless of what the situation looks like or wether they wish to abandon their teammates(#56) to pursue a personal vendetta against another player(Candal) that they ultimately loose to in 6 turns.Please do not get discouraged at the tone of my message I promise to hold none of that against your team as a whole.I have recived a message from SG as to navy movement I really wish we could have ironed out our movement before turns ran but that didnot happen but I did try before turns were processed.I have expressed regret to SG for blocking his navy but I felt I was being ignored in my effort to coordinate our navy moves.I do hope you have a fun game and I agree this has livened things up a little.


fair response, loved the “pompus blowhard” part. on the history side: free side lost in 56, find your version to be, your version. post 56, vandel challenged, i accepted, and lost.
your block at sea is a huge setback that will have to be overcome. its the disposition of your fleet, nothing more, that hurt gondor. the war results will speak for themselves.

blowing hard with a side order of pomp

the pact with the Harad stands.
We da pirate boyz follow our own plans and diplomacy and are not pushed either way by threat or other means! If anybodies plan doesnt work thats not our problem! WE KNOW that we (meaning the newly designed neutral alliance) did everything IN TIME to stay away from the beginning war. We like STILL to stay neutral but if we are forced into this war, so be it.
Generally I never heard that a sentence along the line “help me or I kill you” lead to the desired help for the demander…
Also…not waiting till a neutral gets fat, attack him before???What? I hope you never want to become a diplomat! What do you think how the neutral world
should deal with this? Probably get all together and/or run to the opposite side, which means correctly, war is over.Right, new setup…and then? The thing starts again, same policy, war over. And again and again blah blah blah…Really want to think about this.
da skull

Oh My Land!!!

guys enough of the sabre rattling…let’s look at it this way:

  1. naval bump caused some vocal discontent…ok
  2. other neutrals have spoken their opinions…ok

there is no discontent now…there is not going to be an all out attack on harad…there is no reason to think we have lost the entire game b/c of a setback…

i am still, still in a game where the free had completely decimated the dark by turn 12…then things happened (as they do) and it’s 20 turns later and we’re still dukin it out…things happen…people adjust and keep fighting…

harad is quite right to not want to join a team where the first instinct is to run…and we won’t…no way…ever.

the corsairs are announcing a pact…ok…i’ve heard that before…i’ve seen pacts broken…i’ve seen them stay together and win and stay together and go down…

this is fun for the reading and posting an all that but really…really…c’mon now…

btw, muzzy ole boy, hope we have a good contest, a short one for you but a good one nonetheless.

it’s gonna be a fun game…i won’t be bored…Jazonis Rexx of Cardolan

You mean Belechael didn’t recognise me at 3028 :confused: :slight_smile:

Should be a good game I think. Shame you lost to the Vandal man by the way. He’s the biggest ******* I’ve ever seen on a forum but that doesn’t stop him being good at ME I guess.

Should be a good game I think. Shame you lost to the Vandal man by the way. He’s the biggest ******* I’ve ever seen on a forum but that doesn’t stop him being good at ME I guess.

hes very good(esp with evasive movement). he won, and currently tinkering with a few of his ideas in this game. if it works, another club in the bag. sorry to see you on the other side. enjoyed your whole word play with “mantle” a while back. subtle, but funny stuff. read the eothraim caught your army in the east. play well. hope to meet you near eastern mordor rather then western rohan. please keep Mr Othar far, far away.
good hunting

Heya Fragil,

You played harad in a game I was in some time ago…we wound up being allies in that game though it escapes me at the moment what position I was…

much respect for you,

hope din o stays the F)(** away from me too…lol…

Jaz Cardo