Lord of the Rings Collectibles

A friend has the Gandalf staff and it does actually look good but if they
added a spear tip it would be so much better. :smiley: Hmmm, I love my weapons
from Chinese, Japanese to fantasy weapons. Recently picked up a 9
piece segmented Bo staff; trying to learn its use and its going to take
years to perfect. Probably will be listed as reason 21 in the divorce
settlement. Lol

I agree about the spear tip.
I used to do alot with the three-piece staff, chucks and ninjato (preferred straight bladed swords with the longer hilt).
Good luck with the nine-piece, send me some action photos and i’ll call an ambulance :eek: lol


The weapon I would love to have from the films is the WK’s huge mace but
no one makes it and I would hate to see the charge for post & packing!!
Also the Rohirrim spears look pretty nifty to me and I’m sure there are many
other weapons for the films yet to be replicated.

I’ve sent United Cutlery (makers of the LoR collectables) an email asking them
to start making the Rohirrim spears. I’ll pass on any suggestions for any other
LoR weapons…