Luddite Game

I had the poster map on cardboard and covered in plastic so I could use erasable markers to write on it. Now I use JOverseer, which makes Palantir look like my poster map tacked to cardboard covered in plastic… :wink:

Gavin: Does that mean you also understand the game was not designed as a ‘team’ game and was changed into one in the UK?

Actually, Ed, it was the Americans at GSI Games 308, 310, 312, 316 and 318 which was then taken over by Harlequin now MEGames that taught me it was a Team Game. They didn’t play any differently than the “community” plays now, which is usually a majority American in the games I’ve been in.

Can we still challenge enemy characters of the same alliance? Can we influence away their population centers? Can we steal and assassinate from our “allies”? Frankly, I’ve lost track with the variants like gunboats mixed in with regular games and grudge teams. The matter of communications is quixotic, but the ability to act on members of one own’s allegiance seem more at the heart of the matter.

There are no restrictions outside the rulebook.

Brad: Stassun and Feild were equal opportunity intelllectuals. That Americans can be fooled also only shows that Americans can be fooled also. There have been times when I have beaten the team drum myself. Pehaps to lure the victim further into the snare.

While I am not the only person to independently penetrate the game designers intentions, I admit I may have had an ‘unfair’ advantage. We all have differing life experiences, to which we add every year. In the worlds I came from the knives were real. There is a reason why my careers were sucessful and I survived to be an old man.

Gavin: ?

Well Ed,

At least you talked me into joining the group and reading your articles. I agree with everything except the “team” theme. While nowhere in the original rule book does it talk about “team”, it clearly implies team and by definition, a team is a number of persons/players on a side.

“Side” is used in the original rulebook and both “sides” are encouraged to engage in dialog for a common goal. Sure there is only one winner, just like the Tour de France, but their is a team win as well. It’s not all for selfish reasons. I believe this is what the majority of players enjoy, to be part of a “side/team” that cooperates enough to accomplish common goals.

I respect your perspective. I have to admit I enjoy games where my side talks with creativity(because this keeps the game alive!) and reason(because I want us to win as well). I don’t enjoy games where members of my side are selfish and ideas are stale.

Regardless of our perspectives, I think all of us enjoy a game that is just not very popular. And out of the small number of us that do play, I’m looking for solid games with the smaller number of solid players. I will join an Indy game now and again, but I enjoy most matching wits against other strategist. And like you’ve mentioned, I don’t play against nations, I play against styles.


You all miss point. Throw rock, pointy rock. Hit head, flat head. Laugh. Post forum message…

Wargaming is simple :smiley:

Winsten Wun Toof

That is OK, Dan, I have been there myself. The possibility that the game designers are operating outside my mental envelope is just to offensive to consider seriously.