Hi all! A lot of feedback - thank you!
I will try to answer all points - just give me time…
—> 1. Scrolling round the map is slow.
Even, if you grab the map (like a PDF) with the left mousebutton and move around? If so, than something is wrong.
----> 2. Initial ruins with fortifications not shown
Well thats no “real problem”. I simply have not edited them to the turn 0 yet. …yes - I will do it - I promise. Its some sort of a boring work…
-----> 1. Shore not being delineated from plains hexes.
My english is not that good. Do you mean, that shore and plain hexes are threated similar (same colour/movement). Is there any difference except that fleets can reach no plains? Should I add another terrain-type “shores”?
----->2. Not always updating the ownership/status of a pop center when it is taken/not there anymore. Granted I started a new game and then went right to uploading turn 8 so that may have something to do with it.
Ok - here is the first “real” problem (in the sense of: I really have to work on it). When you import the turns - is there any information in either the pdf or the xml where you can see, to witch nation the captured settlement belongs? If so, than please send me the pdfs and xmls so I can take a look on it.
----> change the army composition display from:
Ok - good point. Will be so in build 35
----> show hex numbers and pops?
Ahm… I DO show them? What exactly do you mean? Where do you miss hex numbers?
----> search by Allegiance (everything except arties) not working yet?
Yes? Simply have not thought an that yet. I will add an option for searching of all characters from a selected alliance. Does it really make sense to do that for settlements to? I really dont use the search function for settlements often…
----> print reports? (anything you search on…)
What do you mean? You can print the map (hopefully). You want to print out the result of a search?
----> after adding an artifact to a hex, I didn’t get an icon
Yes I got that bug also a while ago. Wasnt able to hunt it down yet. And since it doesnt happend again since that I simply forgot it. What did you exactly do, to get this bug? Drag/Drop from anywhere on a hex works on my machine (ie - the artefact is shown afterwards).
----> view range by allegiance includes “off-map” pops (new camps) but not off-map armies?
Currently - yes. I have forgotten to set the “Viewrang”-Info in such a case. This Info is also not in the xmls (handing that point over to the guys working on the postscript-xml-converter…). But of course I can implement it without waiting for the xml to hold the info. Hey Clint - what to do in such a case (in the future). Wait for the xml or simply “code” it?
----> replaced slashes in sidebar character skill descriptions with hyphens for clarity
Ok - hu? What? Seems my english is even worse than I think…
WHAT do you mean?
----> add Nation and Hex# in rumours where known (next to characters and pops?)
Have not done that yet? Had this idea myself some time ago - but it seems, I dropped it. Thank you for the hint. I will do that in build 35.
----> Haven’t checked rigorously, but do notes carry forward from turn to turn? For example, if you do 2 LA’s, you get 2 thumbtacks, but the Artifact icon only appears on 1 hex, as I guess the artifact is a unique record and cannot be referenced twice? But the next turn, do both the thumb tack icons disappear? Leaving an A icon where an arty “may” be…?
Yes, you are right. Now I know, thats no ideal solution, but - do you know another? I could leave the comments by default, so that the thumbs appear in the new (next) turn also - but it would be a big mess for the player to see, from wich turn the information is. And - there are thumbs, that are definitly NOT interesting the next turn. For example, when a 430 or 420 is cast…
You can always see the thumbs when switching back to the previous turn, so I thought, that would not be that much of a problem. What do you think?
----> 1) Help/Information is all in German though I specified English when loading game. Is this to be fixed, or have I done something wrong?
No, you dont. That will be fixed - but it needs time. This is something of the more “boring” stuff for a coder. Do you want to contribute?
----> 2) When I select a character and see his movement range, how do I switch it off again?
You can switch it off by selecting the Viewrang for FP (or DS/Neutrals) and deselect it again. The movement is gone. Should I add an extra “clean movement”-icon? Would be more clear, but it would be another icon - and I have tried to minimize the count of items for clearness of the program up to now…
----> 3) I’m not sure I like the movement spells being automatically included in the movement range.
Well I do write out an information, when I calculate movment based on a movement spell. I could “raise” that to a warning (with a “beep”). But I (for my part) love to have spells by default in, because I often do not notice, that a char could reach a location when planing simply by not thinking of his 302 or 304… …and the fact, that it’s not 100% sure, he will be there should be up to the player I think. But it would be really “no” work, to take movement-spells out of the calculation, if you (and other players) wish it.
12hexes AND the spell move… hm… could do that. But it would be some pice of work to implement since I would need to handle two ranges. Maybe - someday - if I have really much time and others are asking to for it, ok?
----> 4) Are we going to have an e-mail list for discussion of this as we did for Meow and Palantir playtesting?
Would be fine to me. Who did set it up for Meow/Palantir?
----> "Waiting for process XXXX for longer than 100 seconds. Please report this to the programmer.
Now we are coming to the real problems…
Please contact me (ICQ: 52152684) so that we could hunt this down…
P.S: Thats a thread - you will never ever see it in the task-manager…
----> I get the same problem as
Please contact me.
----> why does the program try to get onto the internet?
Nothing forbidden…
I need the net for 2 things:
-) check for updates on startup. If an update is available you will be noticed and are directed to a download
-) send back errorreports. Thats the stuff, where most of the works comes in. g When something goes wrong on import (and the program is smart enough to notice it), than the pdf and xml is uploaded to a ftp-server, so I can look on it.
Of course I will (and do) NEVER use such information in a game. And currently I am playing no english games - so that should not be a problem…
-----> it now hangs just like Oystein
No it defentily hangs in another way
Ok - I know that there is a problem with it. Hope, that it works on you PC, when you disalow it to go on the net. Either by hitting “no” (hope that will lead to an error and the program should go on) or (if that does not work) by editing the file “MEMapSettings.xml” in you homedirectory (c:\document and settings\username…) and changing
<SearchForUpdate>1</SearchForUpdate> to <SearchForUpdate>0</SearchForUpdate>
----> Maybe it was some third party utility/module trying to connect
No, its not. Its written in C++ using the wxwidgets-toolkit (www.wxwidgets.org). I have pretty much control over what the program is doing (well, you really dont know what a PC is doing all the time but - you could “try” to unterstand it g). The only network traffic should appear on programmstart and (maybe) after importing turns, that causes errors.
----> No dig at the guys(women) people that developed it
Hey - I knew that point will come. No problem with that fact - a documentation IS missing. But - as you said - its the classic problem. To be honest - I want to iron the bugs out, before I will find the time to write a complete documentation. But if someone wants to do that I would be really glad (and give him all information possible). Often, such a person comes up with good ideas when clicking through every part of the program to document it…
Phew - now I have to go back to work, or my boss will kill me… g
Bye, Tibor