Me6 1650

A salute to our noble FP opponents. You put up a good fight.

Gee, lookie…the DS win again. Revel in it…

Greetings Ed,
bloody good work, your team has played well (esp. CL ) !

As always some internal problems has accelerated the process of self destruction but this shouldn’t reduce your victory !

Have Fun !


Best to you Gix. Yes, the CL did a great job. The fellow is a Pole, by the way.

The same for you Ed and thanks for the warning but my car is hopefully safe at the garage.

Only a joke, this guy has done a really good job !–

Have Fun !


Well I dint wanna quit but its a team game and folks dont tend to go a pop centre hunting anymore. Still you guys dint manage to killoff my beloved Eothraim despite your best efforts. CArdolan was still punching too.