ME69 All Neutral

Strange shenanigans???

Anyone who’s played on my side before knows the only reason I won’t tell you what I’m going to do is that I don’t actually know myself!

Has anyone seen my agents by the way? they were safe at home last time I looke dand now they have disappeared!

BUT why are the QA untouchable???

We need one nation on each side to stay alive so that the game doesn’t end prematurely in favour of the FP or DS…

Clint (GM)

Simon - if you want I can spare a 940 418 on Dinohtar’s items for you - that will help. It is a strange old game. Not sure Paul thinks much of it right now though.

Clint (player)

No, we’ve painted them pink in the spirit of huggism and peace. News
to me. :confused:

Only because you’re too busy banging on about the stumpies!! :stuck_out_tongue: Must
like short hairy women!! Go visit Greece! :smiley:

I was spreading rumors agents was going to be used for recruiting Balrogs… Maybe they are hiding so you can give them orders now!

Yes thanks that would be useful, you know what some of these characters are like, they are out the door and away almost as soon as you turn your back!

Maybe they are just hiding from Balrogs . . .

Anyway, talking of territory I notice a couple of armies on my map in places I don’t want them to be . . . the Cardolan sledgehammer is heading your way and you know who you are . . .

We live and learn, :rolleyes: Lesson learned;

“Do unto others, before they do it to you” :stab:

I’ll be back, LOL

Well I have no intention of going FP or DS for those nuetral pretender nations formerly FP or DS! :rolleyes:

If you are refering to me I declared my territory and am in the proces of marking it out. I will be putting in camps 1612, 1611 and already have one at 1712. You have plenty of territory to your SW. If you want to take it up with me i will be happy to oblige you. :smiley:

Regards Arfan Herman

As long as you know . . . you aren’t fooling anyone . . .

However, if you are planning to move to 1612 just for camping, I would hold at 1712 until the latest possible moment if I were you.

Naye I figuire if i kille thier men… They might shave thier legs and pit’s… But the idea of kissing anything that has a 5 o’clock shadow is so disturbing I would have to burn to ground and start over!:fork::fork:

As I have previously stated I have declared my territory, I will move in and around said territory at my leisure. If you are moving troops into my territory I will be ticked off and take steps to remove them. I will not cross my boundaries without a prior formal declaration. If you are attempting to move troops through my territory I would expect them not to get far.

Regards Arfan Herman

Herman, just do what I say or my Heavy Cavalry is gonna come and get ya!

Great I have to add you to the list which only consists of The Dragon Lord. This %$^#@&*&^% :smiley: who sits atop 2208 uninvited. Drag Queen if you don’t pull back this turn and leave it alone, I’m comming for GG with the hoard.


LOL Looks like your Ass will come kick my Arse!!

Lol yes . . .

By the way, how many hordes do you have?

Not as many as me!

Yeah but I know what you’re like with directions, they are probably already lost in the ocean somewhere :smiley:

Anyway, so your peaceful camping force will avoid my diplomatic mission to provide your borders with additional security?