We need one nation on each side to stay alive so that the game doesn’t end prematurely in favour of the FP or DS…
Clint (GM)
Simon - if you want I can spare a 940 418 on Dinohtar’s items for you - that will help. It is a strange old game. Not sure Paul thinks much of it right now though.
Anyway, talking of territory I notice a couple of armies on my map in places I don’t want them to be . . . the Cardolan sledgehammer is heading your way and you know who you are . . .
If you are refering to me I declared my territory and am in the proces of marking it out. I will be putting in camps 1612, 1611 and already have one at 1712. You have plenty of territory to your SW. If you want to take it up with me i will be happy to oblige you.
Naye I figuire if i kille thier men… They might shave thier legs and pit’s… But the idea of kissing anything that has a 5 o’clock shadow is so disturbing I would have to burn to ground and start over!:fork::fork:
As I have previously stated I have declared my territory, I will move in and around said territory at my leisure. If you are moving troops into my territory I will be ticked off and take steps to remove them. I will not cross my boundaries without a prior formal declaration. If you are attempting to move troops through my territory I would expect them not to get far.
Great I have to add you to the list which only consists of The Dragon Lord. This %$^#@&*&^% who sits atop 2208 uninvited. Drag Queen if you don’t pull back this turn and leave it alone, I’m comming for GG with the hoard.