For dumb Canadians, that means we prefer to play FP… Got it?
You mean, for stupid Europeans, you can pick multi-syllabic words that sound serious and use them wherever you choose regardless of meaning as most of your peers are equally literate and will be wow’ed and impressed. Us Dumb Canadians are neither impressed with your literacy nor your FP play…
Dumbing down behind multi-syllabic words, most of the team are American OR Aussies… Is senile short enough for you Mountie boy? Remember that 6k SG army with 1 commander?
You were lucky in that game… :stab:
Far from lucky :eek:
Well, if I knew it was American’s and Aussies, I understand the 5+ letter words - none of them can read such :bash: and must hold you in awe…! :fork:
Though you guys had some success against the Corsiars the game was far from lost on the FP side, but unfortunately I had to quit as I don’t have enough time to coordinate a team game at present. What I hadn’t anticipated was that the entire team would desintegrate after me dropping, sorry about that. Doesn’t look like the team will be playing any time soon.