ME87 The Western Gate of Mordor

Very scary! The freeps got tired of sending in large armies…now there HUGE:eek:

They’d just trample right over poor little me… :smiley:

We were going nicely and you had to go and rattle their cage… now lookwhats happened. A hoard of stinking humans at the side door all scrambling to get in. Guys, it is not worth the effort. Mostly sand and flies, take my word for it the fun is to be had in Mirkwood! :smiley: No seriously, Brad loves the attention.

Regards Herman

Yesssss precioussss!! Come attack the Woodmen! I’ll get to feel nice and important, taking all the credit from the real men who end up burning Mordor to the ground! Me and my 400 VP’s feeling all smug and superior…don’tcha all want more of that!?!

Woodbrad of Bradwood

WOW! You guys like me! You really like me! :smiley:

I was worried about it for a bit! I mean all that free people blood over me and the whole not bathing thing…‘fetish really’…and the whole afraid of water thing…

BUT YOU DO LIKE ME! First I would like to thank everyone for coming to my town! :o

Not sure if there is enough seating but it is nice to have you here! :smiley:

Sorry if some of you can’t stay…but glad your here! :smiley:

You know some days I thought you would never get here! :wink: