Well guys is it now 4-6 weeks from this turn or the next turn! Maybe it’s 4-6 weeks from turn 20! I say by the summer of this year you’ll figuire it out! BTW it’s only turn 15 for those not in game 94! the current one week game!
Some of our allies think we’re about to win every turn. Others think it’s all over and the DS have it in the bag now. I think I’m going to die at 3612 and frankly, I don’t have any idea what the rest of them are arguing about…
the Mighty Eothraim in the Current 1 Week Game
Wasn’t able to read it, short with time at the moment!
… but you have my mail-address and I haven’t declared you as spam.
… so try it and send it.
Waiting for Darrell.