“Won’t” is this contraction 1 or 2 words?
2 words
T1 = two words
Note only Dark Lieutenents (et al) are considered one word. 3423 is one word.
What additional structure? Keep it simple…
“Won’t” is this contraction 1 or 2 words?
2 words
T1 = two words
Note only Dark Lieutenents (et al) are considered one word. 3423 is one word.
What additional structure? Keep it simple…
My hailku needs a release.
Death to the haiku
Writer who sows with diplo snow
In for a pound in for a penny, i’m in this game too but i’m not going to tell you who i am
Quiver and weep my enemies!!!
Quiver. An archery reference. He must be the Sinda…
On the subject of Diplos, how do you want them? All in a single email? Separate emails? I guess they don’t need to be in the same email as orders as this would mean we couldn’t use the new webmail server…
On the subject of Diplos, how do you want them? All in a single email? Separate emails? I guess they don’t need to be in the same email as orders as this would mean we couldn’t use the new webmail server…
*** If they are the same email to many people list who they are going to and put them in one email. If they are different then different emails (clearly marked who they are going to).
You can use the webmail server to send in diplos if you want.
Pearly, in the original Stassun/Feilds game they never published the names of the players and allowed/encouraged out-of-game communication. This served as a base for many ‘blackops’.
Since there was a constant stream of newbies entering the game, they never realized they were entering a pasture where wolves could pose as sheep. Many an enemy army suddenly turned away from it goal when an ‘ally’ cried for help over here. Ah, the gudoledaze.
Ed - the format of this game is what you guys requested. The list of players is as requested, nothing to do with me.
If you wanted out of game communication that’s fine with me. It’s not what was requested though.
I have made no objections because I have none.
This is, however, a good opporotunity (again) to discuss the subject of ‘Moral Freewill’. Stassun and Feilds are creative genuises on many levels. Moral Freewill can only exist in amoral universes. The Stassun/Feilds universe is amoral because the Tolkien universe was amoral, albeit seen from the perspective of honorable men. What is the story of Gollum/Frodo/Bilbo but that of a moral struggle under difficult circumstances? Saruman, Bill Feeny and the Hobbit collaborators could only exist in an amoral universe. Yes, they made wrong decisions. But they could only make moral decisions if they had a choice.
Stassun/Feilds understood the Tolkien universe was amoral and they made a darn good simulation of it. They then disguised it so well only one man in twenty realized what they were doing. Absolute creative genuises.
Cool, glad you enjoy the game. So do I.
Clint (player and he liked the company so much he bought it GM).
And I guess, one of the missing points in all of this, is that the players, amorally, took it upon themselves to communicate “outside the game”… MEGames has taken the opposite position of say, athletic bodies regarding performance enhancing drugs - instead of fighting the inevitable and trying to control the uncontrollable, they’ve simply opened the game up to allow everyone to take steroids…er, I mean, have information that was publically compiled and shared “outside the game”.
The argument has been made that “evening the playing field” is against the original intent, but as you write above, so has all the communication, newletters, etc, since the game began. So the original intent has never been realized in actuality. Kind of like communism…
This game reminds me of solitaire… The and relies on the honor system of the players who joined this game to maintain it… while you could cheat the system by swapping pdf’s and communication outside of the diplos if you win by doing so what did it prove? Nothing more than your good at cheating… Now players who win by honoring the rules have the sweetiest of victories as in the days of old when this was a Play by mail…
I say stick to the diplos only sent into me games… doesn’t mean you have to send any at all though… Becuase that was also part of the old snail mail days to!
Apologies again. Clint does this mean that I send you onetext file for each “different” dilpo that I want to be sent, or does this mean that you want some other type of file?
Check out the format in the house rules for diplo sending. Same as you would normally if that’s any help. If you’re sending out lots and they’re the same then just list who they are for.
Eg Diplo for Nations 21-25
START diplo
Hya Neutral
I’m looking to be allied.
The Woodmen
END diplo
Does that make sense?
So other people can benefit from my previous questions to Rob about diplos in a GB game:
-an artifact number as in “175” is one word but “RoC” is considered 3.
-an order number as in “255” is one (I’m unclear if “CptrPop” is one, two, or three words)
-a character ID such as “din_o” or “ji_in” is considered two words. “Din” or"Ji" of course would only be one word.
-the common usage “T1” “T2” etc. (to track turn numbers) is considered two words.
Thanks Drew. I think I’ve miscounted in the past 'cause I’m sure I’ve used T1 or T2 as one word… This kind of ruling does make automating the checking of word limits impossible however. As in all things about GB or Alliance Game, we’re going to have to be on the honor system on this. I for one don’t expect ME Games to count words in 24 x 25 diplos per turn, given these kind of rules.
We’ll spot check. We’ll arbitrarily cut off diplos that are too long, consistent offenders will have their diplos not sent on. Definition of consistent: to be determined…
I don’t mean to be picky, but I’ve received diplomatic communications this morning, but I have not yet received my turn. Wouldn’t it now be possible for me to change my orders based on the messages I’ve received?
I mean, if that’s legitimate strategy, I’m okay with it. But it was my understanding that messages would come with (or after) the turn so that you could not base your orders on messages from the same turn.
Just curious.